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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Monday gaaaaaaah!reetings, GN!

As you may have read, Romanians have been taking to the streets in enormous numbers to protest government corruption. On Saturday night, this guy showed-up dressed as Vlad the Impaler; the sign reads, “Miss Me?”.

I LOL’d.

 photo vlad tepes missed me_zps61azzfht.jpg

Just Sven
7 years ago

At least the Romanians arent out there marching against the evil Donald Trump. Never knew there were so many countries that gave a rat’s ass about what we do over here.

Just Sven
7 years ago

Hi, Fatwa and good morning, GN! Steady and heavy rain this morning.

While I still hate the NE Patriots, there’s no denying that this franchise is the greatest football dynasty ever. What they’ve done, not just in last night’s game but over the last 15 years, won’t be eclipsed in my lifetime.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’morning, Sven!

At least those Romanians seem to give enough of a crap about their gummint’s corruption that they’ve turned out in impressive numbers.

Meanwhile, we keep mostly voting for members of the same demonstrably corrupt duopoly who’ve been hosing us for generations. Too many of our fellow citizens suffer from ‘battered voter syndrome” and believe candidates when they say, “I’ve changed; I won’t hit you again. It’ll be different this time; you’ll see.”

And as soon as they get back to D.C., they vote to put us another 9+ trillion dollars in debt over the next decade.

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 years ago

Happy Monday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

What a game, yesterday, and what a disappointing turn of events. It looked like a completely different Atlanta team showed up for the second half.

Fatwa -- thanks for the morning laugh!

Sven -- I’m sure a lot of those countries protesting Trump are afraid that we’ll cut back on all the goodies we provide them and demand they start acting like adults and taking responsibility for themselves. That’s sure to put a crimp in their Socialism.