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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Caturday salutations, Wheelizens!

I think it’s cool that CA will have legalized recreational weed as of Monday because a) it’s my intoxicant of choice, and b) IMHO, it is not the government’s place to tell anyone what they may or may not put into their own bodies.

The “War on Drugs” has had a strong racist component from its inception and has eroded liberty egregiously for more than a century. Should someone be locked in a cage for the simple act of smoking a flower?

Should they have all their possessions confiscated on the mere suspicion of having traded in “forbidden” flowers?

Should militarized -- and ill-trained -- yoonyun goons knock down their doors in the middle of the night, hold their children at gunpoint (or toss grenades into their cribs), shoot their dogs, trash their homes, etc. because they might possess unapproved plants?

America ought to have learned from alcohol prohibition; sadly, we didn’t.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mac


7 years ago
Reply to  Mac

And again, could not agree more.

Just Sven
7 years ago
Reply to  Mac

What did you do now, Mac?

Just Sven
7 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Even without knowing the details, I’m a lot more likely to side with you than otherwise. If he’s unhappy with you, that’s his problem.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mac

He’s not happy with any of us, really, except for maybe a few gerbils. I hadn’t realized that he thought of us as concern trolls, though. That was kind of a shock, but…yeah, I couldn’t fix jack in the situation and my only use would be to poke the Frisch-pedobear, so not much of real assistance. And regardless, I do hope for them (and the rest of the free world) to be free of her.

Just Sven
7 years ago

Good morning,

I agree with both of you -- I have no problem with all currently illegal drugs being made legal as long as you don’t ask me to pick up the tab for any bad outcomes that arise from your drug use.

Just Sven
7 years ago

Reading JG’s twitter feed, I see that SWMNBN is back out on the streets.

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, Sven, and Mac!

In no particular order:

-- I went to a presentation by a local judge (who was running for Congress) on the idea of legalizing drugs. He spoke about liberty, freedom, and responsibility. He also discussed the potential problems and ways that society could deal with them. I think he had the right idea. This was back in the early 80’s.

-- I read through the Facebook group messages last night that Mac is referring to. I understand Jeff G.’s position and don’t blame him for being angry enough to rip the limbs off of members of the justice system who can’t be bothered to do their jobs and/or follow the law. I also think that Mac is right and Jeff G. owes an apology to a bunch of Gerbils.

-- The Rose Parade float is coming along nicely. We’ll go in a bit later than usual today because we will be working until the wee hours of the morning to finish things up.

Just Sven
7 years ago

I’m not on Facebook, so I don’t know what all was written, but I recall several years ago, Jeff was really upset with GN -- that we didn’t do enough to help him out while Sinner and the rest got famous off of his troubles. Or something along those lines.

I really enjoyed PW over the years -- didn’t agree with everything that Jeff wrote, but he was usually thoughtful and entertaining. But I also recall him complaining that readers weren’t sending him enough money to read his blog. He could be quite petulant at times.

If the legal side of the state won’t do their jobs, then maybe he should just plan on handling this thing himself. There’s no good answers to his situation.

Just Sven
7 years ago

I mailed a Christmas card to Harper and David -- hope they got it and that both of them are doing well.

Just Sven
7 years ago

Good luck with the float, Paddy. Looks like nice weather this year.

Just Sven
7 years ago

“Boasting of being the tough guy outlaw while whining about your victimhood does not mix well.”

Well put, Mac. It clarifies some of my own misgivings about Jeff that I was never able to clearly articulate.

Several months ago, a really good guy at work made a mistake that brought some systems down. It was a big deal, but these things happen. Your words about Jeff brought the event to mind as this guy’s boss plays the tough guy management style. Ex-military, biker type, no nonsense, get it done. I’ll out swear, out fight, out f*ck, and out drink anyone in the room type of persona. Anyhow, this boss publicly reamed this guy up one side and down the other until this good guy -- a guy who will stay late, help anyone that needs it, and never complain -- said something that the boss purposely misconstrued as a threat. And off to HR they went resulting in a 2-week suspension plus some other punitive measures.

You can’t play the tough guy and then run to HR, even if it was a real threat. Like you said: it doesn’t mix well.

7 years ago

I was on FB last night, and following along and putting in my own oar…but another gerbil took the brunt of it. Here’s the thing as far as I’m concerned: We were worried for Jeff G., and wanted to provide at least emotional support, but it wasn’t really about him. It was and is about a horrible, threatening, abusive criminal who should be kept from children at all costs.

If he sees all of us as concern trolls, which he apparently he does, then I’m ok with that I guess. I certainly never had more to offer than low-rent support and he wouldn’t ever miss that.

Frisch, OTOH, needs to be hounded and pounded and I’m still down for that. A good use for my acerbic ways, I’d say.