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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Caturday, GN!

Yet another excellent thread GIF, Mac.

…the doctor has been concerned. I guess he wins this round.

Hope very much that you can get that sorted-out and win all the subsequent rounds.

To hell with the public I’m sworn to “protect and serve” — I want to get home.

Yup. That’s too many of our “heroic sheepdogs” these days.

Long but interesting essay from Cato -- “From Courtesy, to Discretion… to Heightened Police Power”:


Off to MamaK’s for a visit; BBL.

Paddy O'Furnijur
5 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!

I’ve been enjoying watching the Lefty heads explode the last couple of days. They’ve gone completely off the rails.

I’ll take a look at that Cato article a little later. For now it’s time to get the house cleaned for the crowds that are coming over, tomorrow (with a memorial service sandwiched in between cleaning tasks).

Just Sven
5 years ago

Agreed, Paddy. I just hope that in 2020 we aren’t all scratching our heads wondering how Trump could have lost to these idiots.

Just Sven
5 years ago

I’m looking t the Mueller report in this simple fashion. There were two parts to it: collusion/conspiracy by the Trump campaign with the Russians during the 2016 election and then obstructing the investigation into the same. Each part is weighed at 50%. There’s no argument that the Trump campaign had nothing to do with whatever the Russians did. Obstruction is at best a 50-50 split. So the report favors Trump 75% to 25%. That’s a substantial margin in favor of Trump.

I haven’t read the report. I wonder if they discuss what the Obama administration, those guys that were in power in 2016, did about all this terrible Russian spying.

Paddy O'Furnijur
5 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Hi Sven!
I’ve heard some legal pundits (who are actually lawyers, not just pundits) talk about the two volumes of the Mueller report. What it seems to come down to is this: volume I is written in proper legal fashion, with legal citations backing up the decision not to prosecute; volume II is someone’s term paper.

Just Sven
5 years ago

And yet we’ll be hearing this crap for the next two years -- 2020 is really the time to choose which America and which future we want as country.