I feel rather like Mac’s thread GIF cat this morning. (I was sort of expecting teh kitteh to somersault as it popped free of the cat door.)
Paddy --
Appreciate your clarification regarding The Great Textbook Snafu of 2013-14. (I still can’t get over the pendant mics…unless you have a ginormous lab room. In which case, megaphones are cheaper and provide a modest aerobic benefit.)
Jerry --
Hope your dinner for the dragooned yard workers was sufficient inducement to come back the next day and do more minion work. (How much gruel do you allot per worker per day? Because I’d like to compare the economics of gruel vs. cabbage soup…)
When will we start seeing “ENDLESS WAR” bumper stickers with Il Douchey’s logo on them festooning Priuses and Teslas? And why does our current president even have a freaking logo…for branding purposes? (Yes, that was a deliberately un-PC question.)
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
It continues to be hot, hot, hot, here in Teh Workers’ Paradise.
Fatwa -- in re pedant microphones (we also have a hand-held mic for students to use!): the speakers in the ceiling of our classrooms allow students to be surrounded by the dulcet tones of the teacher, making it easier for students to hear and pay attention. Studies have shown…yada yada. That’s the line we were fed. We were also told that if the Administration visits our classrooms, they expect to see us using the mics. Personally, I’m having a hard time getting used to hearing my voice coming back at me through the speakers and gauging the appropriate volume level to use (my volume, not the volume control on the mic). That and the noise created when the pendant swings to and fro, scraping across the buttons on my shirt make me want to rip the thing off and just project my voice appropriately (or sometimes inappropriately).
Studies have shown…yada yada. That’s the line we were fed.
Crikey! Whose nephew owns the vendor which furnished and installed this gear? (Which probably came with an overpriced “maintenance contract”.) Do those same studies suggest that stoontz™ would learn even better if the volume’s cranked-up to to, say, 110dB?
I suppose the next logical step is cameras to put your image on large flat panel displays hanging all over the room like in a sports bar. Because “studies”.
…we also have a hand-held mic for students to use!
How about security guards ala “The Jerry Springer Show”?
*Claps and stomps rhythmically*
If you were to wear silk shirts, perhaps you could generate enough repeated static charges to burn-out the capsule of teh pendant. (That’s science-y, n’est çe pas?)
Alternatively, a low-powered, multi-band transmitter with the correct frequency spread playing a selection of appropriate music (“Schools Out Forever”, “Hot For Teacher”, “Fight The Power”, etc.) set to broadcast at random intervals might provide some amusement.
I’d be delighted to voice some pertinent narration for such an endeavor, too, and send you audio files in any format you’d like; just email me a script.
“A recent study performed at UC Davis shows that 83% of all California public school administrators are bumbling asshats. This compares unfavorably with a national average of only 67%…and now you know!“
I’m totally up for a round of “This IS Tehpardy” this evening, but rather doubt BetterHalfK will be. (She’s been keeping horrible unnatural hours in the course of her latest training regimen. Again. *Tsk*)
Apologies for neglecting to respond yesterday. (Because it was a fractured, wacky, kooky, nutty, madcap, ding-a-ling, zany laff-riot of a game filled with fast-paced hilarity…and I quite look forward to another go-round sometime soon.)
Good evening, Gerbilinos!
Two days down and all is well (except the new projector they installed in June and haven’t gotten around to actually installing correctly). They also installed Apple TV -- which would be great if I had an iPad, but the IT department decided (correctly, IMHO) that iPads are not the best choice for student/teacher tech. So how do I connect my touch-screen laptop/tablet PC to the projector (so I can control and annotate presentations while walking around the room)? I don’t. So what can I use the Apple TV for? Beats the h3ll out of me! Sure glad those aren’t my tax dollars that got spent on technology.
ha ha. Fat cat is too fat!
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, GN!
Mornin’, Sven!
I feel rather like Mac’s thread GIF cat this morning. (I was sort of expecting teh kitteh to somersault as it popped free of the cat door.)
Paddy --
Appreciate your clarification regarding The Great Textbook Snafu of 2013-14. (I still can’t get over the pendant mics…unless you have a ginormous lab room. In which case, megaphones are cheaper and provide a modest aerobic benefit.)
Jerry --
Hope your dinner for the dragooned yard workers was sufficient inducement to come back the next day and do more minion work. (How much gruel do you allot per worker per day? Because I’d like to compare the economics of gruel vs. cabbage soup…)
When will we start seeing “ENDLESS WAR” bumper stickers with Il Douchey’s logo on them festooning Priuses and Teslas? And why does our current president even have a freaking logo…for branding purposes? (Yes, that was a deliberately un-PC question.)
Good morning, Fatwa! And everyone else!
Another lovely day here in SoCal!
Off to work-if you guys play games tonite, have fun!
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
It continues to be hot, hot, hot, here in Teh Workers’ Paradise.
Fatwa -- in re pedant microphones (we also have a hand-held mic for students to use!): the speakers in the ceiling of our classrooms allow students to be surrounded by the dulcet tones of the teacher, making it easier for students to hear and pay attention. Studies have shown…yada yada. That’s the line we were fed. We were also told that if the Administration visits our classrooms, they expect to see us using the mics. Personally, I’m having a hard time getting used to hearing my voice coming back at me through the speakers and gauging the appropriate volume level to use (my volume, not the volume control on the mic). That and the noise created when the pendant swings to and fro, scraping across the buttons on my shirt make me want to rip the thing off and just project my voice appropriately (or sometimes inappropriately).
Crikey! Whose nephew owns the vendor which furnished and installed this gear? (Which probably came with an overpriced “maintenance contract”.) Do those same studies suggest that stoontz™ would learn even better if the volume’s cranked-up to to, say, 110dB?
I suppose the next logical step is cameras to put your image on large flat panel displays hanging all over the room like in a sports bar. Because “studies”.
How about security guards ala “The Jerry Springer Show”?
*Claps and stomps rhythmically*
If you were to wear silk shirts, perhaps you could generate enough repeated static charges to burn-out the capsule of teh pendant. (That’s science-y, n’est çe pas?)
Alternatively, a low-powered, multi-band transmitter with the correct frequency spread playing a selection of appropriate music (“Schools Out Forever”, “Hot For Teacher”, “Fight The Power”, etc.) set to broadcast at random intervals might provide some amusement.
I’d be delighted to voice some pertinent narration for such an endeavor, too, and send you audio files in any format you’d like; just email me a script.
“A recent study performed at UC Davis shows that 83% of all California public school administrators are bumbling asshats. This compares unfavorably with a national average of only 67%…and now you know!“
Shamelessly pilfered from @JayCaruso:
Jerry --
I’m totally up for a round of “This IS Tehpardy” this evening, but rather doubt BetterHalfK will be. (She’s been keeping
horribleunnatural hours in the course of her latest training regimen. Again. *Tsk*)Apologies for neglecting to respond yesterday. (Because it was a fractured, wacky, kooky, nutty, madcap, ding-a-ling, zany laff-riot of a game filled with fast-paced hilarity…and I quite look forward to another go-round sometime soon.)
Good evening, Gerbilinos!
Two days down and all is well (except the new projector they installed in June and haven’t gotten around to actually installing correctly). They also installed Apple TV -- which would be great if I had an iPad, but the IT department decided (correctly, IMHO) that iPads are not the best choice for student/teacher tech. So how do I connect my touch-screen laptop/tablet PC to the projector (so I can control and annotate presentations while walking around the room)? I don’t. So what can I use the Apple TV for? Beats the h3ll out of me! Sure glad those aren’t my tax dollars that got spent on technology.