Shark-y Friday salutations from Happy Larryville, GN!
Paddy --
Why on earth would your district have acquired Apple TVs when they’re not using any other iOS devices? (Rhetorical query; the correct answer is almost certainly “fvck you, that’s why.)
And how long until stoontz™ with iPods or iPhones start playing with teh Apple TVs?
In other CasaK news, I’ve completed five (of an initial thirty) arrangements for my “sanity band” project, which will have five horns. (And, given logistics and economics, is anything but sane.) Hoping to have the “book” completed by the end of the year, at which time I can then concentrate on finding eight more musicians to actually play the stuff.
I’m not sure whether this endeavor ought to be classified as “Herculean” or “Sisyphean”…perhaps “bug-fark nuts” would be more accurate self-honest. I just wanna be in one last good, fun band afore I’m too creaky to schlep my gear to gigs.
Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Fatwa -- good luck on teh arranging.
Re: Apple TV -- last year a group of students and a few teachers were given iPads on a test-basis. My guess is the administration decided that everyone would have an iPad before IT finished their evaluation of devices. Cart. Horse. Arrange as you see fit.
Thanks, Paddy…I thought it may have been something like that. (I’m aware that Apple likes to provide school districts with freebies and/or hefty discounts; they’ve been doing that for many years.)
Unsurprised that your district jumped the gun in re purchasing before completing their evaluation; seems to happen all-too-frequently in both the public and private sector.
Today’s musical agenda: getting a start on “Sharp Dressed Man”. Which is not a song I’d have been likely to choose, but it’s a fave of SackO’SugarK’s. And it is a fun tune; it remains to be seen heard if I can musically mangle it in an interesting -- or at least entertaining -- manner.
Arrived at school at 6:30 this morning and the HVAC system was out -- not only in my room (the rooms are computer controlled), but in every room in the science building -- although the hallways were cool. It was 80°F already. As befits an environmentally-friendly building, none of the windows opens, unless one uses a chair and/or hammer. To make matters worse, the fire alarm kept going off. Two and a half hours and at least 15 fire alarms later, they got things working. I really can’t wait until the admin building undergoes “modernization” and they find their a/c randomly shuts down and that they have very little (2 °F) control over the temp.
Well, that’s why you get all them big bucks, Paddy: to put up with stuff like that while still imparting vast sums of knowledge into young minds. What does your union have to say about those types of working conditions?
It’s hot and Im tired. I hate my job more than Tex hates her boss.
Shark-y Friday salutations from Happy Larryville, GN!
Paddy --
Why on earth would your district have acquired Apple TVs when they’re not using any other iOS devices? (Rhetorical query; the correct answer is almost certainly “fvck you, that’s why.)
And how long until stoontz™ with iPods or iPhones start playing with teh Apple TVs?
In other CasaK news, I’ve completed five (of an initial thirty) arrangements for my “sanity band” project, which will have five horns. (And, given logistics and economics, is anything but sane.) Hoping to have the “book” completed by the end of the year, at which time I can then concentrate on finding eight more musicians to actually play the stuff.
I’m not sure whether this endeavor ought to be classified as “Herculean” or “Sisyphean”…perhaps “bug-fark nuts” would be more
accurateself-honest. I just wanna be in one last good, fun band afore I’m too creaky to schlep my gear to gigs.Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Fatwa -- good luck on teh arranging.
Re: Apple TV -- last year a group of students and a few teachers were given iPads on a test-basis. My guess is the administration decided that everyone would have an iPad before IT finished their evaluation of devices. Cart. Horse. Arrange as you see fit.
Thanks, Paddy…I thought it may have been something like that. (I’m aware that Apple likes to provide school districts with freebies and/or hefty discounts; they’ve been doing that for many years.)
Unsurprised that your district jumped the gun in re purchasing before completing their evaluation; seems to happen all-too-frequently in both the public and private sector.
Today’s musical agenda: getting a start on “Sharp Dressed Man”. Which is not a song I’d have been likely to choose, but it’s a fave of SackO’SugarK’s. And it is a fun tune; it remains to be
seenheard if I can musically mangle it in an interesting -- or at least entertaining -- manner.Arrived at school at 6:30 this morning and the HVAC system was out -- not only in my room (the rooms are computer controlled), but in every room in the science building -- although the hallways were cool. It was 80°F already. As befits an environmentally-friendly building, none of the windows opens, unless one uses a chair and/or hammer. To make matters worse, the fire alarm kept going off. Two and a half hours and at least 15 fire alarms later, they got things working. I really can’t wait until the admin building undergoes “modernization” and they find their a/c randomly shuts down and that they have very little (2 °F) control over the temp.
Well, that’s why you get all them big bucks, Paddy: to put up with stuff like that while still imparting vast sums of knowledge into young minds. What does your union have to say about those types of working conditions?
It’s hot and Im tired. I hate my job more than Tex hates her boss.
Sorry Sven. It is nasty working at a job you don’t like. It is just too much of your life.