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11 years ago

Sunday mornin’ O grabbin’!
Wait, that didn’t sound right.

11 years ago

The Floor Saga continues…

It really started during the week we waited for the materials to arrive. I removed everything from the closet floors & put it in my side of the garage. And all of the small tables, etc. that I could move qlone. Also some things that I shouldn’t have moved alone, like bookcases. Three boxes of LPs, books & more books, luggage, crates of old papers, etc. Who knew we had so much stuff in closets? On Monday while BW was at work , I moved the “big ” computer & set it up on the dining table. I just plugged wires in until it worked, I didn’t have access to the drawing Mac gave me years ago show what to plug where. Really, I only made one false connection (audio) that I had to try again. I know y’all are laughing, but I am proud of that!

BW got home from work & we did the truck, you know that story already.

Tuesday morning, BW went to work & I took Grace to the vet for boarding. Back at home, I moved a large end table with an old-style 27-in or so TV from the bedroom to the dining room. Also my recliner & BW’s recliner were crammed in there, leaving a narrow walkway to the inside garage door.

About 10 a.m.or so, the guys start showing up. Eddie, the owner. Nacho, his cousin & our favorite, and Barry, the other employee. For some unknown reason, I thought his name was “Chris” & didn’t find out his real name until Friday when he asked me why I was calling him Chris! Oops.

Eddie “assured” me that we could come back the next day after the abatement & the guys would have one room done & a bed set up that we could sleep in. Kinda like TeX’s realtor assured her that she was in a tornado free zone.

I am now homeless & can’t check into the motel until 3. I went to the library, but I can’t remember my passwords, so I can’t log onto Teh Wheel or even email BW at work. I’ve already looked at the internet & it’s too hot to sit in my (now working) truck & listen to the radio. I kill time by running one errand and browsing at Half Price Books & Big Lots.

Finally, it is time to check in & BW gets off work soon after that. Our room is the same one we stayed in during a heatwave when our air conditioner went out. I guess it is the only queen bed smoking/pets room they have. BW had wanted to take Harley with us that time, but I asked if she wanted to be the one that ” walked” him from the 3rd floor in the middle of the night. He was boarded. Ha!

Continuing on our mini -vacation theme, I suggested we go eat at Texas RoadHouse. It is a clone (but better) of Logan’s Steakhouse that we hadn’t tried yet. We ate at a booth in the bar (smoking) & at some point they had a birthday song for a man. They wheeled out a saddle on a seat & made him sit on it & wave a bandana while they sang a song. This led to me telling BW that “Happy Birthday “is banned because of royalties. For some reason, she was hysterically laughing about the very idea of anyone owning the song & of cops busting little kids parties for singing. She also thought I was making the whole thing up. I told her they didn’t bust kids’ parties, but once she was convinced that I was telling her the truth , the laughing got worse. I started laughing hysterically at HER laughing. We were both in pain from laughing & could not stop. We were crying. Plus we were in a bar & neither of us drink, but we were falling over in the booth, laughing, & couldn’t breathe. We finally got our laughing under control enough to finish dinner & go back to the motel.

That was Tuesday.
I’m tired of typing & typo correcting.
Moar Floor Fun later.


Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT!
Moar floor frivolities!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Fall Equinox greetings from Happy Larryville, GN!

G’morning, RabBeet (and BW); thanks for teh Tuesday installment of “RabBeet & BW’s Flooring Fun Fiesta”.

Re “Happy Birthday”: The Library of Congress -- which runs the U.S. Copyright Office -- has armed goons but no SWAT team. Yet.

However, given what clearly seems to be an increase in the use of force by our gummint against non-violent citizens, I’m jaded and cynical enough that “busting little kids parties for singing” ain’t as far-fetched as I once assumed.



Just Sven
11 years ago

Speaking of goons, various municipalities in Arizona have settled with the family of Jose Guerena:


The official line even as they pay out the money:

“The settlement is not an admission of any wrongdoing, Huckelberry said.” (Of course not--it never is, is it? )

“The shooting was a terrible, unfortunate situation costing taxpayers a huge amount of money, Supervisor Richard Elías said.” (Good job keeping your eye on the ball. I imagine it was also rather unfortunate that Mr Guerena was shot 22 times and died through no fault of his own.)

(And wonderfully classic govt-speak; lots of big fancy words.) “However, legal advisers and insurers recognize the unpredictable resolution of disputes at trial regarding police conduct and even well-accepted police tactics. As a result, well-established business and insurance principles call for compromise and the resolution of disputed cases to mitigate risk and avoid the expense of a trial.”

Just Sven
11 years ago

Happy autumn!

Funny story, Rabbit. But that poor feller sitting in the saddle waving the bandana: he probably thought you guys were laughing at him!

Texas is kinda odd.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Hanky-waving is never silly-looking:

Just Sven
11 years ago

Not if it’s done correctly. With grace. Style. Perhaps that’s how they do it in Texas?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Might could be; I’ve not spent much time there. (My only “visits” to Texas have been changing flights at DFW and driving through the Panhandle when I moved from L.A. to Cleveland.)

Just Sven
11 years ago

Was more appropriate for talk like a pirate day, but better late than never especially since the Raiders arent playing until tomorrow and autumn is here like now. David Axelrod said that Barack Obama recited this before his second debate with Mitt Romney to get in teh mood:

The Autumn Wind is a pirate,
Blustering in from sea,
With a rollocking song, he sweeps along,
Swaggering boisterously.

His face is weather beaten.
He wears a hooded sash,
With a silver hat about his head,
And a bristling black mustache.

He growls as he storms the country,
A villain big and bold.
And the trees all shake and quiver and quake,
As he robs them of their gold.

The Autumn Wind is a raider,
Pillaging just for fun.
He’ll knock you ’round and upside down,
And laugh when he’s conquered and won.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Schweet. 😉

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Sven --

Read last night about the Guerena settlement and was utterly disgusted by what the “authorities” had to say.

As previously stated, removing sovereign immunity from all public officials and employees in this country seems to me to be the most simple fix. “Government” is made up of individuals; therefore, they can and should be held individually accountable -- both civilly and criminally -- for the results of their actions (or lack of same).

From the president on down, we should make it the law of the land that they must purchase multi-million dollar personal liability insurance out of their own pockets. The maximum dollar amounts of the policies should be commensurate with the job and their ability to damage the citizenry both physically and monetarily.

In other words, local officials would need smaller policies than state or federal peeps; members of the U.S. Congress and POTUS would need multi-multi billion dollar policies.

Further, taxpayers need to be indemnified against the malfeasance of public officials.

If the bastards want to rule us, let them pay dearly for the privilege.