Second Anal Probe Lawsuit Being Filed Against N.M. Police
Drug dog with expired certification allegedly alerted cops to nonexistent drugs twice
A second man is alleging that Hidalgo County, N.M., police violated his rights and escalated a minor traffic stop into an anal-probing nightmare as they searched in vain for drugs.
Timothy Young was stopped on Oct. 13, 2012, for allegedly turning without a signal, KOB-TV first reported Tuesday evening. A K-9 dog erroneously indicated he had drugs in his vehicle and he was taken to the Gila Regional Medical Center in Silver City, N.M., where doctors performed an x-ray scan and a digital anal probe.
No drugs were found in the possession of either man.
Do you think the LEO’s in Deming, NM might just be providing services under Obamacare?
If it were up to me, the judge, cops and docs would be stripped of all their assets (which would be given to the victims) and then hung from lampposts. There’s a small chance that images of their bloated corpses, tongues dangling from their maws and eyes bulging from sockets while crows peck them out might encourage a modest improvement in our legal and cop culture.
Sadly, I think even graphic images like that would only cause a doubling-down by authorities across the country. Until it was repeated enough times to demonstrate that the American people were done with this shit for good.
As I commented elsewhere this morning, police are not the “sheepdogs” they fancy themselves to be; they’re velociraptors.*
[* H/T BetterHalfK]
And yes…I think I’m actually capable of hanging at least one of those bastards myself.
Called my Congress-stool’s office today and asked if there was anyone available who could tell me how to get a straight answer out of him. When asked what I meant by that, I gave a capsule summary of the non-responses I’d received.
I got transferred to someone alleging to be his chief-of-staff. Long story short: I was treated as though I was stupid. When I disproved that, an attempt was made to convince me the warm discharge dripping down my leg was rainwater.
That didn’t work out so well, either. I was twice obliged to inform Mr. CoS that he was blowing smoke. (I left off the part about my ass needing a rescue inhaler.)
There was more, but I came away from the whole conversation with a worse taste in my mouth than I started with. It becomes more apparent every day that nothing’s going to improve without torches and pitchforks in one form or another.
I will happily address them in imperious, sneering Deutsch and even click my heels in finest Prussian fashion for their amusement.
I’ve also asked SackO’SugarK to get me a monocle -- with a chain, not a ribbon -- for Christmas. (Because nothing conveys high-handed haughtiness quite like a monocle.)
While I expect that Sibelius will have a big escort, it’d sure be nice if she somehow wound-up in the Vine City area with a broken-down limo.
Just did a little checking; my House crapweasel’s chief-of-staff told me a straight-up, bald-faced lie during our conversation. (After he repeatedly tried to convince me that I didn’t ask the very simple question I asked about a month ago.)
They really do think we’re stupid…and that sincerely vexes me.
O grabbin’ greetings!
I’ll be taking TM to the base today.
I can’t wait…
See ya later.
Good luck, Rabbit. You’re a good gerbil.
Wonderful video to start the thread!
Sure Happy It’s Thursday here in Larryville -- and presumably elsewhere across teh vast GN.
G’day, base-visiting RabBeet…and Sven, too!
patientvictim of Deming, NM ProctoPolice™ comes forward:The solution to this one isnt some token payout without admitting any wrongdoing. And I will leave it at that.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, Sven, and Fatwa!
Good luck today, RabBiT!
Fatwa? Do you think the LEO’s in Deming, NM might just be providing services under Obamacare?
If it were up to me, the judge, cops and docs would be stripped of all their assets (which would be given to the victims) and then hung from lampposts. There’s a small chance that images of their bloated corpses, tongues dangling from their maws and eyes bulging from sockets while crows peck them out might encourage a modest improvement in our legal and cop culture.
Sadly, I think even graphic images like that would only cause a doubling-down by authorities across the country. Until it was repeated enough times to demonstrate that the American people were done with this shit for good.
As I commented elsewhere this morning, police are not the “sheepdogs” they fancy themselves to be; they’re velociraptors.*
[* H/T BetterHalfK]
And yes…I think I’m actually capable of hanging at least one of those bastards myself.
And now for something completely different:
Who among us hasn’t been the victim of a poorly-constructed burrito? Here’s an epic -- and “NSFW for language” -- rant. (Eating or drinking while reading it is contraindicated.)
Called my Congress-stool’s office today and asked if there was anyone available who could tell me how to get a straight answer out of him. When asked what I meant by that, I gave a capsule summary of the non-responses I’d received.
I got transferred to someone alleging to be his chief-of-staff. Long story short: I was treated as though I was stupid. When I disproved that, an attempt was made to convince me the warm discharge dripping down my leg was rainwater.
That didn’t work out so well, either. I was twice obliged to inform Mr. CoS that he was blowing smoke. (I left off the part about my ass needing a rescue inhaler.)
There was more, but I came away from the whole conversation with a worse taste in my mouth than I started with. It becomes more apparent every day that nothing’s going to improve without torches and pitchforks in one form or another.
Union goons are going to be calling your friends and neighbors saying you talk like a neo-nazi.
I will happily address them in imperious, sneering Deutsch and even click my heels in finest Prussian fashion for their amusement.
I’ve also asked SackO’SugarK to get me a monocle -- with a chain, not a ribbon -- for Christmas. (Because nothing conveys high-handed haughtiness quite like a monocle.)
I see over at AOS that Sec’y Sebelius is going to be in Atlanta tomorrow to “discuss an important announcement related to the Affordable Care Act”.
Paddy --
While I expect that Sibelius will have a big escort, it’d sure be nice if she somehow wound-up in the Vine City area with a broken-down limo.
Just did a little checking; my House crapweasel’s chief-of-staff told me a straight-up, bald-faced lie during our conversation. (After he repeatedly tried to convince me that I didn’t ask the very simple question I asked about a month ago.)
They really do think we’re stupid…and that sincerely vexes me.
Fuck. These. People.
I feel as if a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Another national nightmare is over as the president finally apologizes…