A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT!
After church I’m going to my MIL’s to help her with her new laptop (the first computer she’s ever had). She called yesterday and said she can’t log in and mentioned something about maybe needing a disk (of course new computers no longer come with disks) and she hopes she didn’t break it already. My first guess is either the capslock or numlock key is on.
G’morning, GN (including RabBeet and Paddy) from Happy Larryville!
K8-E --
Sounds like things at KFH&BBQ have picked-up at least a bit; hope you’re booking some nice-sized holiday parties.
I’ve never understood the many organizations which have business-related breakfasts at inappropriate (to me) hours. Perhaps because I’m not particularly gung-ho about anything -- except coffee and a pastry -- early in the morning.
For me, morning is the stabbiest part of the day.
Sven --
Glad you liked the tuneage despite it not being one of your favorite styles; thanks again for listening!
I find myself unsurprised that President Fiat couldn’t be arsed to consult with any state insurance commissioners or AGs before requesting they break his own “signature law” in order to help save his skinny, skanky posterior.
I sure love living in an increasingly lawless nation…keeps things interesting.
I think, Fatwa, that I am expanding my musical horizons--approaching things with a more open mind--and enjoying them. To latch on to something that Obama always seems to be doing: I am evolving.
We went out last night to dinner and music with a group of friends. The band was Cumbia Son and their music is Cumbia: from what I gather, some kind of Latin/Hispanic genre. Anyhow, it wasnt bad at all. Kind of happy, upbeat, noisy music that everyone enjoyed, altho after about 40 minutes of it I did get a little bored.
Evolution. Like schadenfreude, something to embrace.
Raiders and Houston play today. Meh. Can’t work up much interest in either team--hugely disappointed by both. KC and Denver tonite will be an interesting match up.
Time to do chores. As Miss Harper would say: poof!
In reading my old e-mails it surprised me to see how active things were then how how much drama there was. I had forgotten how much was squeezed into a relatively short period there.
I am sure glad to have this retirement version so we can still keep in touch. Thanks again, Jerry.
I am sure glad to have this retirement version so we can still keep in touch.
Heh. I’m glad as well.
Sven --
Cumbia seems to have origins in the blend of Yoruban music (via African slaves taken to Columbia) with that of the Spanish colonials there. Dunno if in this instance “Son” means a male descendant or the African/Iberian musical hybrid from Cuba. (Or a largely unrelated Mexican musical style called the same thing.)
In any case, glad you enjoyed at least some of it.
Not to go all “silver lining”:
While bringing African slaves to the New World was not a pleasant historical episode, it did result in a priceless wealth of new musical styles when various African, South/Central American and European musical traditions collided. These have been recombined in new ways virtually non-stop and led to some wonderful things.
Blues. Jazz. Latin jazz. R&B/soul/funk. Rock. Even country/western swing. And that’s just in the U.S. The vast majority of American popular music -- including the Gershwins and Miley Cyrus -- is a product of that unfortunate historical legacy.
Sunday O grabbin’!
A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT!
After church I’m going to my MIL’s to help her with her new laptop (the first computer she’s ever had). She called yesterday and said she can’t log in and mentioned something about maybe needing a disk (of course new computers no longer come with disks) and she hopes she didn’t break it already. My first guess is either the capslock or numlock key is on.
Hope that one of your “first approximations” is correct.
G’morning, GN (including RabBeet and Paddy) from Happy Larryville!
K8-E --
Sounds like things at KFH&BBQ have picked-up at least a bit; hope you’re booking some nice-sized holiday parties.
I’ve never understood the many organizations which have business-related breakfasts at inappropriate (to me) hours. Perhaps because I’m not particularly gung-ho about anything -- except coffee and a pastry -- early in the morning.
For me, morning is the stabbiest part of the day.
Sven --
Glad you liked the tuneage despite it not being one of your favorite styles; thanks again for listening!
I find myself unsurprised that President Fiat couldn’t be arsed to consult with any state insurance commissioners or AGs before requesting they break his own “signature law” in order to help save his skinny, skanky posterior.
I sure love living in an increasingly lawless nation…keeps things interesting.
I think, Fatwa, that I am expanding my musical horizons--approaching things with a more open mind--and enjoying them. To latch on to something that Obama always seems to be doing: I am evolving.
We went out last night to dinner and music with a group of friends. The band was Cumbia Son and their music is Cumbia: from what I gather, some kind of Latin/Hispanic genre. Anyhow, it wasnt bad at all. Kind of happy, upbeat, noisy music that everyone enjoyed, altho after about 40 minutes of it I did get a little bored.
Evolution. Like schadenfreude, something to embrace.
Like Mac, I sometimes browse through old gerbil postings. Thankfully, Sinner’s original site is still around.
Lot of good people contributed to that effort and I enjoy re-reading some of the old posts.
Raiders and Houston play today. Meh. Can’t work up much interest in either team--hugely disappointed by both. KC and Denver tonite will be an interesting match up.
Time to do chores. As Miss Harper would say: poof!
I went back to the old DHD site as well.
In reading my old e-mails it surprised me to see how active things were then how how much drama there was. I had forgotten how much was squeezed into a relatively short period there.
I am sure glad to have this retirement version so we can still keep in touch. Thanks again, Jerry.
Heh. I’m glad as well.
Sven --
Cumbia seems to have origins in the blend of Yoruban music (via African slaves taken to Columbia) with that of the Spanish colonials there. Dunno if in this instance “Son” means a male descendant or the African/Iberian musical hybrid from Cuba. (Or a largely unrelated Mexican musical style called the same thing.)
In any case, glad you enjoyed at least some of it.
Not to go all “silver lining”:
While bringing African slaves to the New World was not a pleasant historical episode, it did result in a priceless wealth of new musical styles when various African, South/Central American and European musical traditions collided. These have been recombined in new ways virtually non-stop and led to some wonderful things.
Blues. Jazz. Latin jazz. R&B/soul/funk. Rock. Even country/western swing. And that’s just in the U.S. The vast majority of American popular music -- including the Gershwins and Miley Cyrus -- is a product of that unfortunate historical legacy.
This is just WRONG!! It would go over perfectly at a Gerbilee.
I think Sven needs one for sure, but what color?
Well I kinda like the indigo one…
Time for another gerbilee? Vegas? If not, based on geography, Texas looks like the most central location. I can do a weekend.
Raiders WIN!!!!!! Snoopy Dance!!!!!!!
Excellent find, Mac! With one of those, I’d be proud to serve guests lumpy gravy.