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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Gaaaaaaaaaaaah!11!1!!! Larryville is generally Happy, but it is less-so on Mondays.

While I cannot quite put my finger on it, there’s something a little fishy about today’s thread GIF.


Just Sven
11 years ago

Good morning and yeah, a bit fishy…there’s no cats!

Just Sven
11 years ago

Wondering what new fiasco will come out of Obama and Washington this week. If I were in Syria or Iran, I’d be quite nervous the next couple of months.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa and Sven!
It’s another glorious day in the People’s Republic of California! I wonder what new laws the Glorious State will impose on me today?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Whatsoever they are, I’m sure you’ll love them…because they’ll be for your own good, citizen ignorant, unwashed serf chattel.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac


“Now that’s a catfish!”


11 years ago

I almost forgot:
Happy Anniversary RabBeet and BW!!!!EleventyOMFGZombiePugPonies!!!!!


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  X_LA_Native

Hai, TeX!

(And t’anks for teh reminder.)

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Anniversary, BW and RabBeet!! Sorry I couldn’t get your ZombiePugPonies all in one fabulous purloined image; teh internetz are apparently out-of-stock on that particular item, so I had to substitute:

11 years ago

Thanks y’all.

Truth is, I forgot it was teh annivers. & so did BW.
She went in to work & was writing the date & remembered. So she called me & I was floored. (that I forgot).
She said “How many years does that make?”
I said ” Since we both forgot, I guess about a thousand.”

Really it is 19 years.
19 years.WOW!

Our Certified by the State of Texas “Declaration of Domestic Partnership” is framed & hangs on the wall. BW is still pro-gay marriage. I am still opposed. Funny, huh?

I wasn’t inclined to leave the house today, so I made do with what was in the kitchen. A Key-lime flavored cake mix that I have been meaning to try. With some cream-cheese flavored frosting. I spelled out 1994 in peanut M&Ms & an orange M7M heart. (I didn’t think of using red-duh). Corny of course, but BW liked it.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Happy Anniversary, RabBiT and BW! 19 years? Wow! Very impressive! (raises glass)
Here’s to many more!

BW is still pro-gay marriage. I am still opposed.

Out here, that would make you a H8er. Among my gay friends, support for gay marriage tends to fall along political lines, but that isn’t politically correct.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Happy Anniversary BW and Rabbit!!!!! Time to hit teh casino and celebrate!

11 years ago

Funny you mentioned that . We are thinking maybe Thursday.
TM’s birthday is Weds. & BW will be going over there then. She wants to take TM to Winstar. I am opposed. The trip & walking would be too much. She can’t physically do it. TM doesn’t want to go either. So we will see who will win that one.

We checked TM’s bank account today & worthless granson stole more money. He used her ATM card (again ) to order up over $200 in Sony games to download on his playstation. 40 year pot&pillhead living off grandma. She willingly feeds &houses him, gives him money & he still has to steal from her. Makes me want to puke.

11 years ago

Happy 19th Anniversary, Rabbit and BW!! Perhaps you could bring Winstar to TM? play with Monopoly money so when WG steals her winnings all he can buy is Connecticut Avenue.