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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Mac --

That’s some seriously sculpted froth on teh thread coffee. “Dat’s a nice woik of art ya got dere; it’d be a real shame if someone was t’ drink it.”

Paddy --

I find myself quite angry over teh situation at your school. I feel certain it is wildly undeserved and at a minimum, I dearly hope the troublemaker(s) lousy rat bastard(s) will face some intensely bad karma. Out-of-control steamroller bad…or worse.


I’m waiting for Corruptocrat Issa to announce he’s also issued a subpoena for all of Lerner’s carbon copies dating back to 1978.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Sven --

For teh record, I have indeed done some minor illegal carp at work. The most blatant was when I lived in S.F. and was the payroll assistant for a temp agency which paid on Fridays starting at 4:30 for the current week. After busting our butts all day to crank-out the payroll, my boss and I -- wearing three-piece suits -- would take a walk about 4:00 and smoke a doob while we strolled around the block in the Financial District.

Somehow, that never caused us a problem, even if we had to re-cut a check. And it made us extra cheerful as we doled-out folks’ money; good PR for the agency. šŸ˜‰

Just Sven
10 years ago

There’s illegal and then there’s illegal. We’ve all done some stupid things; we’ve all skirted or broken the law at some point in our lives, either knowingly or unknowingly, and maybe it’s been for personal gain or for principle.

At this point in America, you cannot go through a single day without breaking one law or another. Being a law-abiding citizen is no longer a lofty goal--it’s an impossibility.

But none of that matters. Right and wrong havent changed and my gut says that what Paddy is going through is wrong. It also says that Mac and Fatwa’s ‘legal’ transgressions are not a concern compared to what I glean of their characters. Well, in all honesty, Fatwa’s irrational hatred of all things Capodimonte is somewhat troublesome.

Off to work--I got through yesterday without major incident, but it was a close one. My control of my temper is not what it used to be but rather appears to reverting back to what it was. Not a good sign.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Hai, Sven!

Well, in all honesty, Fatwaā€™s irrational hatred of all things Capodimonte is somewhat troublesome.


Even Liberace found this waaaaaay to flamboyant:

I rest my case. šŸ˜‰

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

This might help deter illegal immigration:

Immigration deterrent? photo PelosiBorder_zpsaf1c2221.jpg

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa and Sven!
Many thanks to Mac, Fatwa, and Sven for the kind words. As we’ve all witnessed, justice seems to be a commodity in very limited supply. I contacted my “yoonyun approved” attorney about a twitter post and was told the most they would do is write a cease and desist letter -- for $2500.

Mrs. Paddy and I celebrated our 31st anniversary yesterday -- we had a nice dinner out at a new place with excellent food. They were playing some low-volume, effortless vocals (a la Ella Fitzgerald or Lena Horne) over the sound system -- very nice and unobtrusive. As we walked out, we noticed that while the music was canned, the vocals were live!

Off to day six of my atmospheric chemistry class!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy belated anniversary to you and Mrs. Paddy!

I contacted my ā€œyoonyun approvedā€ attorney about a twitter post and was told the most they would do is write a cease and desist letter — for $2500.

Jeebus…I wonder how much of that gets kicked-back to the CTA?

As we walked out, we noticed that while the music was canned, the vocals were live!

I have mixed feelings about that, but am glad at least the vocalist has a gig.

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

And the biggest surprise was that she was not blasting the plaster off the walls and she was good!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

That’s great.

Hope she’s been getting other work as a result of teh restaurant gig.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Happy anniversary to you and the missus, Paddy.