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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Caturday, GN; hope everyone had a pleasant Fourth!

Favorite Small Relative teh Youngest was both fascinated by and wary of the GA-legal fireworks last night (which consisted mostly of stuff which sent up fountains of sparks, occasionally accompanied by whistles and pops). He was permitted to “assist” a certain cantankerous old bastid in the ignition of the really small ones but not those which shot sparks 8-10′ into the air.

Jackson -- who really freaked-out last year (for the first time) -- seemed to handle the noise last night much better, for which I was very grateful.

It’s nice that legal consumer fireworks here aren’t completely wimpy; in OH, they were -- and still are -- pretty much limited to sparklers. One can buy better stuff there but must sign an affadavit acknowledging that they’re illegal to use in OH…stupid. But as Dickens’ Mr. Bumble said, “The law is a ass; a idiot.”

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!
We had a good Independence Day celebration. As usual, there was way too much food -- steak sandwiches are on the lunch menu for a few days -- and everyone gathered at the end of the cul-de-sac to light off “safe and sane” fireworks and watch the professional displays that we could see over the roof-tops.

This morning it’s once again time to set up for Cub Scout Day Camp. As usual, it will be hot and it will be like herding kittens as we try to organize a large group of young Boy Scouts to carry out the various and sundry tasks associated with creating a week-long camp for 1000 youngsters. When I return home, I do believe I shall have a beer -- if my kids haven’t consumed them all!

Have a great day, y’all!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Paddy!

Hope teh set-up goes as smoothly as possible.

…if my kids haven’t consumed them all!

If they’re old enough to consume them, they’re old enough to fetch more from teh grog store. 😉

Just Sven
10 years ago

Good afternoon and happy 5th of July!

Good luck, Paddy, with all them scouts.

Nice day yesterday; had several people over last night to watch the Simi Valley fireworks display--and them folks came through with quite the stunning 30 minute performance. And unlike last year, no mishaps or injuries.

Working on my resume this morning and then off to a BBQ this afternoon. Yes, we are quite the popular snowflakes this weekend.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Resume updating iz hrd.