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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’morning, GN!

I feel about as disgruntled as teh thread kitteh looks.

Spent most of yesterday dealing with truly pointless legal changes to a roofing contract. We’ve been doing business with this particular client -- a multi-million-dollar company -- for nearly twenty years, but their new COO has a JD…and feels obliged to micromanage utterly trivial contract language.

Including a seven-page “addendum” obviously cut-and-pasted given the varying fonts and formatting; resser-fresser. At one point, I took a ten-minute break to write a “FY email” simply to vent my frustration, which amused Jim when I sent it to him. (Yes, it was typed solely using my middle fingers.)


Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa! Your middle fingers must be tired!

The first day of day camp went well. I had to chew out the afternoon youth range safety staff early in the day for a gross safety violation -- better to get that taken care of early than to let things slide and wind up with someone getting hurt.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Your middle fingers must be tired!

Nah…they get plenty of exercise given the current state of our country. And it was a pissy pithy letter. 😉

I had to chew out the afternoon youth range safety staff early in the day for a gross safety violation…

Uh oh…hope your nipping it in the bud was/is successful.