We were getting ready to be off to see teh Wizard Mama and PapaK’s again today for more “prep the house for showing” fun. However, it’s currently raining in Larryville as well as at teh CkanK Ancestral Compound -- to quote a friend of mine who grew-up in Russell, KS -- “like a cow peein’ on a flat rock”, so we got a reprieve; yay!!1!!
I have been working to make the site a little more speedy. If I can’t get the response time down to an acceptable level I’m going to nuke it and start over.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), charged with protecting American consumers from exploitation by financial institutions, seems to need a watchdog for its own budget.
The renovation of the bureau’s headquarters, originally estimated at $55 million, has ballooned to $145.1 million (or $215.8 million, if one includes moving expenses and rental costs) — and the Office of the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve (OIG) reports that the documents authorizing the renovation are nowhere to be found.
Breitbart observes that Massachusetts senator and potential Democratic presidential contender Elizabeth Warren was one of the supervisors of the CFPB from September 2010 until her resignation in August 2011, as presidentially appointed “Special Advisor for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.”
The renovation decisions would almost certainly have occurred during her tenure.
Well it is a catchy little tune, that Run Liz Run number. I like that they push the “you didn’t build it on your own” theme.
The crowd demographics are a little odd though. Good mix of men and women. Primarily young, but good attention to detail by showing some older folks. Race, though, all I’m seeing is blacks and whites.
It would be cool if she did run--would love to see her and Clinton go at it.
I’m thinking that 2016 is going to be a lot like 2008, just in reverse--any Republican is going to beat any Democrat.
Happy Caturday, GN!
We were getting ready to be off to
see teh WizardMama and PapaK’s again today for more “prep the house for showing” fun. However, it’s currently raining in Larryville as well as at teh CkanK Ancestral Compound -- to quote a friend of mine who grew-up in Russell, KS -- “like a cow peein’ on a flat rock”, so we got a reprieve; yay!!1!!Alriiiiiiight…the first song of the Fauxcahontes presidential campaign effort:
Update: Iowahawk’s response on Twitter: “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a folk singer howling in a human ear forever.” -- George Orwell
Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good afternoon, Fatwa! Happy no-prepping day!
There were some server issues when I tried to post, earlier, but they seem to have been taken care of.
Hiya Paddy,
I have been working to make the site a little more speedy. If I can’t get the response time down to an acceptable level I’m going to nuke it and start over.
NUKE IT AND START OVER???11!!!?!?!?!?
From orbit?
Dang, Mac…you beat me to it.
Are we posting pics of Mac’s favorite scotch? I know he loves this one:
It tasted like Le Frog. I was actually wondering if Scotch could go rancid.
Chivas is the one! Thank you, Fatwa.
From orbit??!??
If so, I was not aware the GN even had orbital capabilities.
It appears that besides being a straight-shooting truth-teller, Warren may be a heap big spendthrift:
Flensing is too good for these people.
I thought maybe you’d just give it the “blue glove treatment”.
Heya, Jerry! Howya been? Any projects on the homefront?
Well it is a catchy little tune, that Run Liz Run number. I like that they push the “you didn’t build it on your own” theme.
The crowd demographics are a little odd though. Good mix of men and women. Primarily young, but good attention to detail by showing some older folks. Race, though, all I’m seeing is blacks and whites.
It would be cool if she did run--would love to see her and Clinton go at it.
I’m thinking that 2016 is going to be a lot like 2008, just in reverse--any Republican is going to beat any Democrat.
Don’t say carp like that, Sven!
Because Huckabee.
And Santorum. (Remember…this is the same party that thought nominating Bob Dole and John McCain were smart moves.)
Ah, Fatwa, politically speaking it’s going to be a hoot.