While I suspect the meds I’m taking are a contributing factor, I’m exceedingly despondent about the upcoming election. Can’t really vote against anyone, as the alternative choices in all but a couple of local matters are even more loathsome than the malodorous crapsacks I refuse to vote for in the first place.
I’ll be curious to learn if our electronic voting devices will permit “FUCK ‘EM ALL” in the write-in field. 😉
(I remain marginally hopeful that Rep. Rob Woodall and his chief-of-staff Derick Corbett will perish in a transportation mishap, fire or other fatal accident. They are no-account, prevaricating, peremptory human filth.)
Good morning,
Hope everyone is doing well, healing up, and getting ready for the weekend.
TGIF, GN from HL!
Hai, Sven!
While I suspect the meds I’m taking are a contributing factor, I’m exceedingly despondent about the upcoming election. Can’t really vote against anyone, as the alternative choices in all but a couple of local matters are even more loathsome than the malodorous crapsacks I refuse to vote for in the first place.
I’ll be curious to learn if our electronic voting devices will permit “FUCK ‘EM ALL” in the write-in field. 😉
(I remain marginally hopeful that Rep. Rob Woodall and his chief-of-staff Derick Corbett will perish in a transportation mishap, fire or other fatal accident. They are no-account, prevaricating, peremptory human filth.)
Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good day to you both, Sven and Fatwa!
So Brenda and Fatwa have been re-creating scenes from Ghostbusters in their kitchen? Well, as long as it makes you happy…
“There is no Fatwa…only Zuul.”
Which, to many people (fortunately not BrendaK), represents an improvement.
Our entire political and mandarin classes need to be divided by zero, IYKWIMAITTYD.