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10 years ago

Long time no see O grabbin’!

10 years ago

And I do mean no see.
For whatever reason, all week long this page kept coming up to some weird placeholder-thing. But I tried again last night & saw all this pretty paper. Teh Yay!

10 years ago

Things are about the same ‘roun heah.
Whatever that means.
I was sorry to read about Sarah & Backhoe. Glad that Jerrie is getting his skin-ectomies removed.
Anyway, I’m happy to see the wheel back as my home page instead of that “Parallel Places” thing.
See ya later

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Drizzly Saturday greetings from Happy Larryville, GN

Hai, RabBeet (and BW)!!1!

Burl Ives Holly Jolly Christmas photo BurlIvesHollyJollyChristmas_zps6e0a17bc.jpg

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hurm…I just refreshed and now see menorahs; I blame teh Joooooos.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Do not want.

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Do you think Brenda will like this one I got her?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Might want. 😉

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Do want…even if it’s shy two arms / bobèches.

Wonder if it requires a Class 3 candelabra license?

 photo uzimenorah_zps2a718729.jpg

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Off in a bit to a housewarming at teh ClanK Ancestral Compound Mark II; BBL.

Just Sven
10 years ago


This version of teh wheel loads lots quicker; it might be because the Joooooos have taken over. If so, how do I donate to ZOG?

As Kid Rock would say: God Bless Saturday.

Cuz Monday’s just a bitch
Tuesday’s such a bother
Wednesday’s like watchin’ dead flowers grow
Thursday ain’t for shit
Friday’s getting hotter

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Hello RaBbiT, Fatwa, and Sven!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Paddy!

If so, how do I donate to ZOG?

Sven --

You can just send your contribution in unmarked, non-consecutive bills to my home address; I’ll take care of all the rest. Nope…it’s no trouble at all.

Paddy --

ChanukahK’s reaction to your sweater was, “Ooooh…sparkly! I love it!”

The new Ancestral Compound isn’t completely finished, but it’s looking good; MamaK and PapaK seem to be pleased

Just Sven
10 years ago

“Burn this b*tch down” and Ferguson burns--just a coincidence.

“What do we want? Dead cops. When do want it? Now.” Just another coincidence.

Lot of coincidences lately.