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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Tuesday greetings from Happy Larryville, GN!

LambiePieK just left for Orlando via car to visit teh “children” and be there for our soon-to-arrive granddaughter’s debut.

Jackson and I were supposed to accompany her, but Jackson’s not doing so great -- heart murmur and congestive heart failure -- and isn’t used to long car rides. Plus, he has “issues” with other dogs, (the kids have one) and boarding him clearly wasn’t an acceptable option, either.

Aside from coughing -- and sleeping -- a lot, Jackson’s “quality of life” seems okay for right now. He’s his usual happy, sweet self and clearly isn’t hurting; all I can do is play whatever subsequent cards get dealt.

So it’s going to be a weird Christmas. I’m planning to spend a few hours at teh New ClanK Ancestral Compound that day, presuming I’m comfortable with leaving Jackson to his own devices for that time. (Because whenever his time’s up, he deserves to have a pack member with him.)

If any of you are so inclined, your good thoughts for SackO’SugarK’s safe travels and/or Jackson’s comfort would be much appreciated.


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Silver lining -- Until Brenda gets home, I can leave the seat up…yay! 😉

Just Sven
10 years ago

Good morning,

Safe travels, Brenda, and sorry Fatwa, that you will be alone for Christmas. Sorry too for Jackson--hope he’s comfortable and happy.

Windy and warm out here--no rain in sight.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

T’anks, Sven.

Just Sven
10 years ago

You’re always welcome here, Fatwa.

Airing my Grievances: no Friday night captioning!

That is all.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Cheers and heh.

Speaking of grievances, I must remember to annoy someone in our miserable, prevaricating RINO POS U.S. Rep’s office today.

Because I am a concerned and involved voter.

[Insert evil, mean-spirited laughter here]

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

This anti-gun PSA is appalling -- and dangerous -- in its stupidity:

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Happy Tuesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning Fatwa and Sven!

Safe travels for BrendaK, a safe delivery for mother and child, and happy times for Fatwa and Jackson. You’re a good Gerbil, Fatwa.

I heard about that PSA last night, but didn’t watch it. What a moronic POS! That applies to everyone involved (not including the kids). How many laws are they encouraging kids to break -- both state and federal? Plus, with “zero tolerance” policies, the kids are guaranteed to be expelled. Did you notice that the gun the kid put on the teacher’s desk was an air soft pistol?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Cheers, Paddy.

In re laws broken, just off the top of my head:

1) Theft
2) Underage possession
3) Gun on school property (which I believe violates federal law)
4) Improper transfer of a firearm

Did not notice it was an Airsoft; probably too busy rolling my eyes.

Also have never seen a PSA with credits at teh end; guess all the idjits involved in the production are quite proud of themselves.

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

5) Carrying a concealed weapon without a permit
6) Unlawful transport of a firearm (in CA)

#2 and #3 also applies to every round of ammunition
#3 is definitely a federal violation

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

So…the narrative’s a total clusterfark.

But the meta-narrative is what’s really important here.

That kid’s just lucky the gun didn’t rack itself (if there wasn’t a round in the chamber), leap out of his backpack, aim and discharge itself.

Or take over his mind and turn him into a steely-eyed, ruthless killbot.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

This is about right:

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Picture the poor teacher, trying to figure out what to do with that nasty, evil, assault weapon (after she recovers from passing out at the mere sight of it). Does she call the office? The police? Does she pick it up (ewww!) and carry it to the office? Should she put it in the trash can first?

10 years ago

Safe travels for BrendaK, a safe delivery for mother and child, and happy times for Fatwa and Jackson. You’re a good Gerbil, Fatwa.


I heard about that PoS PSA, and I haven’t watched it … I think I’ll keep my blood pressure within normal limits. kthxbye

I’m just taking advantage of everyone taking the month off (well, except for a certain Quebeçois who is a PiTA) and getting ‘tings done.

I’ve got the turkey finally brining and all that’ll be left is to roast it (I’m not getting into the frying thing, even though I was introduced to “deep-fried baby back ribs” over the weekend. Not bad).

And the weather’s been so oddly mild, I picked two more tomatoes this morning before putting the painter’s plastic over the plants and turning the Christmas lights on ‘cuz it’s supposed to freeze tonight. And there’s about 30 more tomatoes on those plants.
Welcome to Texas.

*mwah* y’all!

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Hai, TeX!
Turkey and tomatoes -- interesting combination.

Teh Younger and I are going to the Poinsettia Bowl this afternoon to watch Navy play San Diego State. A friend of mine is an Annapolis grad and there will be about 15-20 of us going. A couple of his nieces will be part of the group (both high school age) and he’s instructed them on what to say when the midshipmen hit on them: “I’m sorry, but I’m not allowed to date until I’m 13.” If that doesn’t work, they’re to follow it up with “Ok, but you’ll have to ask my uncle, Commander [xxxx].”

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, TeX!1!!

Turkey and tomatoes, perhaps along with some provolone, would make nommy sammiches. (Also bacon.) 😉

Paddy --

Lurve your friend’s advice for dealing with middies; har!

Just Sven
10 years ago


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

BrendaK arrived safely in Orlando to an enthusiastic welcome and was plied with a reputedly delicious burger and sweet tater fries for din-din; thanks again for teh well-wishes.

Meanwhile, Jackson and I are all alone in a cold, dark house, it’s dank and raining…and we dined on past-its-use-by-date generic gruel. 😉

 photo smallviolin.jpg

Last time teh Boston Terrierist and I were alone at CasaK was the night before the wedding. Which seems to have turned-out okay, I think.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Sad, Fatwa, very sad. I’ll pray that tomorrow is better and that you find some fresh gefilte fish to dine on.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

If it’s all teh same to you, I think I’d prefer leftover gloppy, congealed gruel.