Maybe Fatwa will forward it to you -- he’s a good sort.
Well, except for that one thing…
and that other…
other than that, yeah, he’s good.
Because of BrendaK.
Rabbit, I think I forwarded Paddy’s email to the right addy.
Good Sunday Morning EveryGerbillyBody!
The casualty count continues. Added to the list, one HP wireless printer. Installed, uninstalled, reconnected to the router and computers … bupkes.
I don’t know how well it actually works, but have you pondered surge protecting the entire house?
Mr. X is looking into that, or will when the electrical supply opens on Tuesday.
Odd thing though, everything that was zorched WAS on a surge protector, not just a power strip.
We found out my DirecTV box survived even if the TV may not have (new power supply coming Tuesday). We took the leetle TV out of the travel trailer and plugged it in, it’s fine.
Tinny little speakers are tinny, though.
Poor Mr. X is going stir-crazy because there’s not much he can do with all the mud, either work-work or farm-work. Solitaire and Mine Sweeper only keep him entertained for so long…
Let me know if TeX’s email forward doesn’t get to you and I’ll give it a go.
Paddy --
GoodwifeK has certainly made me a better person, despite that being a constant uphill (as in “need moar pitons and rope”) battle. She’s even made me a slightly better Gerbil.
TeX --
Cheers for the kawfee and lightning casualty update. I’d be interested in a capsule summary of Mr. X’s conclusions re the efficacy of whole house surge protection. (As in “yes, effective with this type of device” or “no, gimmicky waste of money”).
I think I’m going to be a slug today: reading, napping, eating. (I can blame the slime trails on a certain drooling Boston Terrierist.)
Last Morning O grabbin’!
A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT!
I hope things are bright and dry at Teh RabBiT hutch.
I didn’t get Paddy’s email. My gmail was hacked long ago. Maybe some one will forward it to me?
Hi, Paddy!
My computer is acting weird & slow. BW just tried to make it faster… Holiday weekend traffic , I guess.
Maybe Fatwa will forward it to you -- he’s a good sort.
Well, except for that one thing…
and that other…
other than that, yeah, he’s good.
Because of BrendaK.
Rabbit, I think I forwarded Paddy’s email to the right addy.
Good Sunday Morning EveryGerbillyBody!
The casualty count continues. Added to the list, one HP wireless printer. Installed, uninstalled, reconnected to the router and computers … bupkes.
Mr. X is looking into that, or will when the electrical supply opens on Tuesday.
Odd thing though, everything that was zorched WAS on a surge protector, not just a power strip.
We found out my DirecTV box survived even if the TV may not have (new power supply coming Tuesday). We took the leetle TV out of the travel trailer and plugged it in, it’s fine.
Tinny little speakers are tinny, though.
Poor Mr. X is going stir-crazy because there’s not much he can do with all the mud, either work-work or farm-work. Solitaire and Mine Sweeper only keep him entertained for so long…
Other than that, I got nuthin’. Coffee anyone?

Good morning, TeX!
Why yes, I think I will have some coffee. Thank you very much!
I guess the power surge through your home’s electrical system was larger than the capacity of the surge protectors.
G’day RabBeet, Paddy and TeX!
RabBeet --
Let me know if TeX’s email forward doesn’t get to you and I’ll give it a go.
Paddy --
GoodwifeK has certainly made me a better person, despite that being a constant uphill (as in “need moar pitons and rope”) battle. She’s even made me a slightly better Gerbil.
TeX --
Cheers for the kawfee and lightning casualty update. I’d be interested in a capsule summary of Mr. X’s conclusions re the efficacy of whole house surge protection. (As in “yes, effective with this type of device” or “no, gimmicky waste of money”).
I think I’m going to be a slug today: reading, napping, eating. (I can blame the slime trails on a certain drooling Boston Terrierist.)
This caused inappropriate laughter -- and an euwwwwww! -- at CasaK