Questions, I have questions.
What is it that makes a dog stomp you awake to go outside at way-too-early o’clock, then refuse to “go”? Then continue to stomp you as you try unsuccessfully to go back to sleep? Then cause such a commotion (joined now by the cat ) that forces you to get up & feed them? Then another trip outside, this time successfully? Then both run back to bed while you are stuck, wide awake?
I think the answer is : because they can.
I see a morning nap in my future.
I think I lost a gig to the thread GIF dog a few years ago…
Good morning, GN!
Hai, RabBeet and Paddy!
Hope both of you have recuperated from your busy day -- and night -- yesterday.
Had a nice time celebrating PapaK’s 75th birfday. Followed by assisting him and brother-in-law in attaching a new brush-clearing deck to PapaK’s recently acquired, gently-used Kubota tractor.
My contributions amounted to following their directions, holding / lifting / shoving stuff and getting hands dirty with various sorts of lubricants. But now I know where all the grease fittings are on the deck and driveshaft. Along with various tricks techniques involved in attaching it…most of which required finesse rather than a sledge hammer. (Although the sledge was useful at one point.)
And it worked properly when we were done, so “yay!”.
Peacock out front in the Eucalyptus calling away to his buddies across the valley; he’s quite loud.
A couple of weeks ago I was sitting out back drinking coffee when I heard him muttering to himself on his perch about 40 feet up the tree. He launched himself from his branch, and with much loud nervous squawking, started gliding down the hill to a house a good 250 yards away and about 80 feet lower than our place. It was amazing. Tail tucked tight behind him; short stubby wings held out stiffly, little bit of flapping, until he kind of crash landed on the roof. I could see him shake his head and ruffle his feathers until he stalked out of view.
Why he decided to attempt that type of journey, I don’t know. He had to walk all the way back home later in the day.
“It struck me as absurd that one could amass crippling debt as a result, not of drug addiction or reckless borrowing and spending, but of going to college.”
Huh. Perhaps borrowing all that money for not just a 4-year degree but graduate school as well was indeed, reckless. Whiner.
Too early mornin’ O grabbin’!
Questions, I have questions.
What is it that makes a dog stomp you awake to go outside at way-too-early o’clock, then refuse to “go”? Then continue to stomp you as you try unsuccessfully to go back to sleep? Then cause such a commotion (joined now by the cat ) that forces you to get up & feed them? Then another trip outside, this time successfully? Then both run back to bed while you are stuck, wide awake?
I think the answer is : because they can.
I see a morning nap in my future.
A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, up-too-early RabBiT!
RabBiT -- I think you’ve got the correct answer. Either that, or the dog and the cat had a bet.
I think I lost a gig to the thread GIF dog a few years ago…
Good morning, GN!
Hai, RabBeet and Paddy!
Hope both of you have recuperated from your busy day -- and night -- yesterday.
Had a nice time celebrating PapaK’s 75th birfday. Followed by assisting him and brother-in-law in attaching a new brush-clearing deck to PapaK’s recently acquired, gently-used Kubota tractor.
My contributions amounted to following their directions, holding / lifting / shoving stuff and getting hands dirty with various sorts of lubricants. But now I know where all the grease fittings are on the deck and driveshaft. Along with various
trickstechniques involved in attaching it…most of which required finesse rather than a sledge hammer. (Although the sledge was useful at one point.)And it worked properly when we were done, so “yay!”.
“My contributions amounted to following their directions, holding / lifting / shoving stuff and getting hands dirty with various sorts of lubricants.”
Reminds me of a date I was on one time.
Good morning and happy Sunday!
Peacock out front in the Eucalyptus calling away to his buddies across the valley; he’s quite loud.
A couple of weeks ago I was sitting out back drinking coffee when I heard him muttering to himself on his perch about 40 feet up the tree. He launched himself from his branch, and with much loud nervous squawking, started gliding down the hill to a house a good 250 yards away and about 80 feet lower than our place. It was amazing. Tail tucked tight behind him; short stubby wings held out stiffly, little bit of flapping, until he kind of crash landed on the roof. I could see him shake his head and ruffle his feathers until he stalked out of view.
Why he decided to attempt that type of journey, I don’t know. He had to walk all the way back home later in the day.
Hai, Sven!
Heh. Hope that date didn’t leave your knuckles / fingers (or anything else) as scraped as mine are.
Glad I don’t have a gig today.
Hey, Fatwa. May your fingers heal well and quickly.
I have no sympathy whatsoever here:
“It struck me as absurd that one could amass crippling debt as a result, not of drug addiction or reckless borrowing and spending, but of going to college.”
Huh. Perhaps borrowing all that money for not just a 4-year degree but graduate school as well was indeed, reckless. Whiner.
Sven -- too bad you don’t have video of teh crash-landing peacock!