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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’morning, GN!

Mount Malaisemore (mountain built to gummint spec by yoonyun goons being paid “prevailing wage”):

Just Sven
9 years ago

Good morning and happy Wednesday!

I was reading that the illegal alien that shot and killed that young woman in SF last week used a federal agent’s gun to do so. Wonderful, and yet the elite is worried about citizen’s handling of firearms.

What a sad case.

Just Sven
9 years ago

China’s stock mkt seems to be collapsing. Without knowing much about it, anything bad that happens to China can’t help but be good for us.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Sven!

Wonderful, and yet the elite is worried about citizen’s handling of firearms.

Let’s not forget about the two incidents a couple of months ago of Capitol cops leaving their guns in bathrooms (including one in Boner’s [sic] suite which was found by a kid).

Just Sven
9 years ago

Good morning, Fatwa.

Yeah, and all the other guns that have gone missing from the ATF’s inventory as well as the guns lost by the FBI, not to mention the 2500 or so that they let walk to Mexico.

You just can’t hold the people to higher standards than you hold to yourself. Recipe for disaster. Do as I say not as I do.

Mrs Sven aint feeling well this morning. Going to hang out a bit and see how she does.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa and Sven!
I’m sorry Mrs. Sven is under the weather.

Daycamp has gone well, so far. The weather has been unseasonably cool, which is a wonderful thing -- no problems with dehydration or heat stroke.

Got the decision from the committee regarding my case -- they’re recommending a 45 day suspension of my credential (which would start sometime in August and probably preclude me from getting hired in the first place). It appears they believed everything in the report from the outside investigators. I talked with my attorney -- we’re going to appeal.

9 years ago

It appears they believed everything in the report from the outside investigators.

I’ll let the picture speak for me. Anything else will make a sailor blush (and I’m married to one).

You, me, Z. Gonna happen. ( Donations for bail money welcome)

:: shiver with glee ::
I don’t know who’s going to lecture us the longest, Mr. X or the Sheriff. Thankfully, I don’t *think* they’ll gang up…

Yeah, and all the other guns that have gone missing from the ATF’s inventory as well as the guns lost by the FBI, not to mention the 2500 or so that they let walk to Mexico.

See pic above. Grrr.

I hope Mrs. Sven comes out from under the weather soonest.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Jerry’s put up a new informational post above this one. May I suggest we all read it and comment? I vote for the option that is easiest on Jerry.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, TeX und Paddy!

I, too, wish Mrs. Sven a speedy recuperation.

Already voted with Paddy re moving the site (thanks for mentioning it in this thread, Mr. O’.).

It appears they believed everything in the report from the outside investigators.

Fark that noise…not to mention every malefactor and bureaucratic POS in this nasty business.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Thanks for the good wishes. Mrs Sven is in bad shape--respiratory troubles. She ended up with bronchitis a few weeks back, was on her feet for only a few days, and is now in as bad of shape as she was a few weeks back. They are dumping antibiotics into her and she probably won’t be in to work again this week. And that’s the real telling sign: in the last month she’s probably missed 5-6 days from work due to illness and in the almost 30 years that I’ve known her, that’s never happened before. Surgery and cancer and stuff, but never from illness.

I’ll be keeping an eye on her tonight.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Good thoughts en route to teh Mountain Redoubt from both of us, Mrs. Sven; get well soonest!

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Prayers for the restoration of health for Mrs. Sven.

9 years ago

Prayers for Mrs. Sven, for sure.

This horrible week is never-ending.
ZS ‘ vision loss is permanent.
Her BP was in uncontrollable spikes all week. They have been trying to send her home since Sunday. Yesterday they got it down enough to give her the boot. She is home alone now with meds and a BP monitor we bought.
BW had a fistfight brawl with Sis. In the driveway. BW collapsed in tears, Sis left with her two drug guys.
Sis has been on a weeks-long drug binge.
Yesterday before ZS came home, BW had to leave TM’s house due to exhaustion & emotional overload. I had to get ZS home from the hospital, get the meds, etc. Then I went home & collapsed, myself.
Too much to write, too much ugliness.
One good thing: Worthless Grandson & I had to spend 2 days in very close contact. We healed/mended our broken relationship. I may have to start calling him Mama’s Boy (MB) instead of WG. He got to the hospital Thursday after work and did not leave until Tuesday afternoon…
More later.