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9 years ago

Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down O grabbin’!

9 years ago

Helpful hint: If you wake up and think it is morning, go ahead and check the clock. Otherwise, you might stumble into the kitchen and feed the cat, only to find it is 3:30 a.m.

9 years ago

Thursday and Friday we took some time away from TMP. We needed the break.
But it didn’t help when we went there yesterday & found the carpet guys had left the air on 50 degrees!
Oh well, at least they did a beautiful job.
So we stayed at the house about 7 hours yesterday. BW was weeding flowerbeds, pool stuff, and patio door/screen washing.
I was picking up lava rocks.
It started a while back that BW wanted a couple of landscape rocks (besides the giant one she can’t have). Then it was all the big landscape rocks. Then the lava rocks from the overgrown areas. So I have been picking up rocks for days. Oh sure, the ones on top are easy. But then you have to sift the grass clippings out & even dig a few big ones out of the ground. Then rake the are to make it look like you haven’t really looted the rock garden. I have to sit on the ground, fill a bucket or box, and dolly it out to the truck. Then at home, dump them in front of our house. Last night, I was too tired & haven’t dumped them yet.
Our goal today is just a half-day over there. Sometimes we do make that goal. And it is not all drudgery. There are frequent breaks taken in the pool to cool off. We haven’t been this tan in years!

BW just woke, so I’ll hop out and see y’all later.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT!
Lava rocks? The previous owners of our home used them as mulch around the (spit) ficus trees that were (over)growing everywhere. I spent many hours picking them out of the dirt. We still run into one in the garden on occasion.

I think I’ll stop by my folks’ place after church and see if my nephew and his wife have moved any of their stuff out -- now that they own their own home.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, RabBeet and Paddy --

RabBeet --

Are you and BW seeing a glimmer of light at the end of teh MP tunnel yet?

Paddy --

Hope your nephew doesn’t make things even more difficult than they already at your folks’ place.

Cali --

Glad you did your swim yesterday; seems like you had a lovely time.

Sven --

Hope your local fauna are less parched today.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Well, my nephew has cleared out most of his stuff from my folks’ place. All that’s left is that last bit of debris that any move creates -- that and a jacuzzi.

9 years ago

Evening greetings!

We spent about 7 hours at TMP today. Things are looking better, as in closer to putting teh house out there.
When we got there, this morning, we were disappointed to see that Eddie’s crew didn’t pull the patio carpet out yesterday. So I started working on my rockpile & BW turned on the pool & did raking & weed pulling.

Then Eddie showed up with a young couple. He said that they were going to do the carpet, and that Shaun (the guy) was an electrician apprentice & would pull down the ceiling fan & put up a porch light. He said if we wanted to make a side deal with Shaun to help us out on the other lights, that was up to us.
So we did.
Well, I tell you what, they worked like dogs getting that horrible carpet up. We kept telling them to jump in the pool to cool off & finally they did. I took Shaun through the house & he replaced four wall sockets, screwed a scary -looking one back in the wall, and fixed a hanging light that was simply blown & not screwed in tightly. He even put the breaker box cover back on (But it needs some attention inside it that he said his boss should do). I went to Lowe’s to get a new light switch for the hanging lights over the vanity. He tried to fix it & said it was beyond him. So we will call his boss to come out & fix it.

Shaun looked at all 4 closet lights, replaced a pull-chain on one & told me the parts to get for the other 3. (I knew I should have gotten 4 chains, I only got one). Two just need chains, but the pieces are up in the socket base, I can’t do it myself. The other one needs a base, light, and chain. He said he would come back next Sunday and take care of those. He checked a couple of landscape lights and the wire-pipe thing that was left lying on the ground when the gazebo was torn down to see if they were live or not.

Turns out that they were also customers & friends of our barber, Robin, before she moved to the Texas coast. So we were instant friends. He even wanted Marissa to take a picture of me & Shaun to send to Robin on Facebook! Ha! So camera-shy Rabbit is now in a purple bathing suit next to a shirtless, tattooed 20-something on teh innerwebs!

We were so grateful for their help.

Eddie had told them to rip the carpet up, and they did. But they piled it in the garage & not all of the glue is gone. So he called Eddie and was told that Eddie’s crew would come tomorrow & finish it. Grr. Eddie had given our key back, so I don’t think he was planning on coming back. Now we have to call him & tell him where we hid the key. Or if we aren’t there when he comes, they will have to take the glue-debris through the house.
How do we get into these situations?

Later, Anthony, the helpful neighbor came over. He insisted on taking our garage door openers to reprogram for us. BW was going to do it, just hadn’t gotten around to it. While were were talking, another neighbor came over & wanted to see the inside of the house. So I gave him the tour. They chattered like two little old ladies about design and improvements they would do or have done to their homes. It got on BW’s nerves. But they just love that topic, I guess. It brought to mind the old expression, “If they aren’t gay, they oughta be.” And they are both married… But again, I’m grateful for Anthony’s help.

About the funniest thing that happened to me today concerned my T shirt. Sometime back, I bought a Kohl’s clearance t-shirt that cracked me up. I never wear out, just around the house. Today I wore it over my swimsuit, not thinking I would see anyone or go to Lowe’s. The blue shirt has a white cat on a surfboard, surfing, with red lasers shooting out of its’ eyes. When I am first talking to Shaun, he interrupted and said, “Sorry, I just gotta tell you, that is an awesome t-shirt!” I just laughed and said thanks. Marissa like it, too. So later when I had to go to Lowe’s, I’m thinking, “Carp, I gotta go in there with this shirt over my swimsuit & shorts.” I get my stuff and as I’m checking out, the cashier (also a 20-something male) says, “Wow! That is an awesome t-shirt! Where did you get it?” I laughed & told him that was the second time today someone had that reaction, that I got it at Kohl’s. Cracked me up.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago
Reply to  Rabbit

Now I have to scour teh innerwebs for a picture of a RabBiT in a purple bathing suit.