Happy “Remember when yoonyuns were a good thing?” Day, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, Fatwa, and Sven!
And thinner skinned than the current Oval Office occupant.
And that, I think, will be his downfall. The press is not going to treat him with kid gloves, like the current occupier of the White House, and the public is going to get turned off by his response.
Labor Day O grabbin’!
The holiday that we celebrate working by taking the day off.
Happy Goonyun Member Appreciation Day, GN!
Hai, RabBeet! Glad to see that there’s some interest in TMP and hope there’s even moar. Bidding war!!1!!
Cali --
Bummer about your weekend trip. On the upside, you got $20 back and an anecdote out of the deal.
Sven --
I don’t get the Trumpmania; the last thing we need is another attention-whore in the Oval Office.
Good morning,
Thanks for the trip update, Cali--I was looking at that place as a possible destination, but we’ll take it off the list now.
Enjoy your day of rest, Rabbit. Good news on the interest buyers are taking in TMP. Good too, Paddy, that you have your folk’s place cleaned out.
Since my grandfather was a labor organizer, I have mixed feelings about Labor Day. Not too mixed, though.
Attention-whore is right, Fatwa. And thinner skinned than the current Oval Office occupant.
Hai, Sven!
Many yoonyun tools do that on teh job, too; especially public employees.
Happy “Remember when yoonyuns were a good thing?” Day, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, Fatwa, and Sven!
And that, I think, will be his downfall. The press is not going to treat him with kid gloves, like the current occupier of the White House, and the public is going to get turned off by his response.
Hai, Paddy!
Since I’m only 59, nope.
They may have been a not-entirely-bad-thing for fifteen or twenty minutes…but that was before my time.