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9 years ago

Caturday O grabbin’!

9 years ago

Well, yesterday I went to the dentist. Afterwards, we went to the neighborhood Tex-Mex place for lunch. One side of my mouth was still numb, so that was fun. I had a bowl of chili & two tamales. It was the softest thing that I could eat and tasted great. I always have to get BW a praline on the way out. She said “Do you want one?” I gave her the fisheye and said, “No, I really don’t feel like eating a peanut brittle-like patty right now.” She had the decency to apologize & blush. Ha! So I went home & took my pill & went down for a 90 minute nap and avoided throwing up. Yay!
I woke up and heard the phone ringing. ZS called and asked BW for money-offering to pay her back double because “I don’t want to see WG go to prison.” BW told her AGAIN that we didn’t have it. No mention at all of the fact that it was the anniversary of their Father’s death… So this is tough (and new) for BW. Saying no isn’t too new, but not feeling guilty about it is kinda new. BW said why don’t you try to get everyone to chip in a little so the burden won’t be on one person, like she suggested when ZS wanted jail money for WG. She said ZS snottily said that Good Nephew only gave her $20 when she asked. Oh, I guess she forgot that he rented a truck & moved her & then bought her a new couch. Disgusting, huh?

Last night, the cat slipped out & BW went looking for her in the backyard. I looked in the front & BW said she was hearing her meow, but it sounded like it was coming from everywhere. The cat had climbed the tree & gone out on a branch & jumped or fell onto the roof. So I went & got the ladder & climbed up. When she saw me, she stayed about four feet away & then started rubbing her face on the shingles. First one side & then the other, taunting me. Of course she wouldn’t come to me, she’s a cat! She did come close to sniff my fingers, but not close enough to grab. So BW went & got her food bowl & about 4 pieces of cat food that I could rattle. I had been saying, “Grace, kitty kitty, come on.” But that means nothing. I had to bounce the food in the bowl & do the full-out, ” Kuuitty Kuitty Kitty” call that is similar to the Arab Ulalalalulu thing they do. I only use the call at mealtimes and always feed her when I say it. So I am not on the roof, but on the ladder with the bowl at the roof edge & my arms wide encircle the bowl. One hand is dropping & rattling food. The other hand is playin’ ‘posseum. Grace creeps up & I let her smell the food in my had & drop it in the bowl. The second her head dips in the bowl, I snatch her with the other one behind her neck in a deathgrip. I put the bowl downon the ladder & swiftly yank her off the roof & against my shoulder. She comes flying off withal legs spread & claws out, but I didn’t get scratched. BW is hovering below, waiting for something to come crashing down, but nothing did. I took her back & the house & dropped her on the floor. I was ticked. I said “DO not reward her with food” Grace was on the floor looking up at me & then ran over to her food spot. I realized that I had to give her something because I had used the special food call. So I told BW to give her ONE piece of food. Ha! Not the thing that I wanted to do at 10:00 at night, but I had to.

This morning I woke at 3:15 & knew that I couldn’t go back to sleep. So I cooked a big pot of pintos that I had soaking yesterday and drank a pot of coffee. I can see a morning nap in my future!

Hope ya’ll have a good day.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Caturday, GN!

Hai, RabBeet! Glad you were able to rescue Annoying Stunt Cat with your patented Scruff Deathgrip™move.

Also pleased to read that BW is using “the power of ‘NO!'” on ZS. I’m sure it’s difficult for her to do…but necessary.


Thought that a certain diligent Thread Lad might find this amusing (if he hasn’t already seen it):

anatomy of operas photo anatomy of operas_zpsnto3ktmk.jpg

Just Sven
9 years ago

Hi Fatwa! Hi Rabbit!

In total agreement with Fatwa, Rabbit, that it’s good to read you guys employing the power of the word “no”. And good job getting the troublesome cat down safely…and no injuries to yourself.

Just Sven
9 years ago

The NY Times editorial takedown by Claire Wolfe.


And you have to love the header: “Jews. Guns. No compromise. No surrender.” ZOG should get tee shirts made.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Sven!

Thanks for those links; lurve teh Zelman Partisans’ header.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Old troll cat is having a rough time again, so he’s going to the vet this afternoon. Won’t eat, not even the chicken baby food. The other day when I was leaving for work, he snuck out the door and disappeared. Looked for him for about an hour and then as I was leaving for work, found him climbing up the hill in the middle of the road heading back home. Oblivious and stumbling. Picked him up, tossed him into the truck and drove him home.

He looks to be on his last legs, but that’s the way he’s looked for the last couple of years. He won’t groom at all, so he’s quite the mess, and can’t weight more than 5 pounds. We force fed him the other night with a syringe and baby food and he hardly struggled.

He’s a good cat. He was a good companion to Mrs Sven’s aunts for many years and we are happy that we took him in. If this is it though, then I hope he goes peacefully and at home with us.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Hello RabBiT teh Cat Whisperer, Fatwa Minister of Zionist Conspiracies, Sven Teh Good Gerbil, and all the fish at sea!

Jerry and his Blue Glove of Fate have been working hard, behind the scenes to fix whatever problem exists. At the moment I’m connecting through a VPN, which may be the only way I can connect from home, but so be it.

Off to catsup on threads!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Paddy!!

Glad you’re able to comment now…and a tip o’ teh hat to Jerry for once again keeping this place spinning.

Sven --

If it is Troll Cat’s time, Brenda and I hope that it’s as easy on all of you as possible.


Off to catsup on threads!

And I’m off because I mustard. 😉

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

On this day in 1933 Prohibition was repealed…and we learned nothing from that little misadventure in public policy.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Whenever I think of our nation’s war on drugs, I think about the drug problem we have in our prisons. If we can’t keep drugs out of a highly-policed, highly-regulated environment like that, how can we even entertain the notion that we can eliminate them from the streets of our cities and suburbs?

9 years ago

Also pleased to read that BW is using “the power of ‘NO!’” on ZS. I’m sure it’s difficult for her to do…but necessary.

I’ve been thinking about BW and that concept for awhile. I know it won’t be easy, Rabbit, and I’m pretty sure you’ve mentioned it already, but with TM gone now, BW can opt to *choose* her family now.

It took a few years for me to get my head wrapped around the idea without (too much) guilt; and it’s certainly a load off.

/I’ll kick in my own nickel for that load

I hope he goes peacefully and at home with us.

I hope so too.

Howdy, all y’all!

Same ol’, same ol’ here. I’ve been reading bits and pieces here and there about San Bernardino and my G-d, what a clusterfark of a circus. The rented Yukon is still an active crime scene and MSNBC and CNN are pawing through the apartment?
And then there’s teh attendant stupid that comes out to play on the Internets.
Buckle up, everybody. I got a feeling it’s going to get steeper and faster this last year of SCoaMF’s term.

And three cheers to Joe Walsh daring Loretta Lynch to prosecute him. Nicely done.

ZOG should get tee shirts made.

I can make my own now! We bought one of those precision die-cutting machines the other day. I finally cleared some space so I can set it up tomorrow and play with it a little bit -- I’ve already got a couple of things I want to do -- and it looks like this little baby will execute them nicely.
:: rubs hands together ::
I can’t wait!

And with that, I gotta go cook dinner.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, TeX!!

I got a feeling it’s going to get steeper and faster this last year of SCoaMF’s term.

I heartily concur; I’m starting to wonder if I’m paranoid enough. 🙂

If we can’t keep drugs out of a highly-policed, highly-regulated environment like that, how can we even entertain the notion that we can eliminate them from the streets of our cities and suburbs?


Besides…what right does the gummint have to tell you what you may and may not put into your body?

Eh…self-ownership is such an archaic concept; we are but human cogs in the glorious state run by our intellectual and moral betters. Bless them.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Troll cat is home. He’s dehydrated, weighs 5 pounds, his kidneys are failing, his thyroid is overactive, and he has a bad sinus infection. We have to give him fluids via an IV bag, antibiotics, and some thyroid meds. He’s a mess, but he behaved well for the doctor.

Hi X! Tee shirts? Cool!

Drugs? Cool!

Joe Walsh: he’s still alive? Never cared for him with the Eagles and I really hate that Life’s Been Good to Me song. But good stuff with the James Gang and solo.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

We used to joke that when the Eagles got tired of listening to Joe, someone would unplug his amp.
“Sounds good, Joe!”
“Oh, yeah, we could hear you just fine!”

Just Sven
9 years ago

Oh. There’s another Joe Walsh…