Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!
As much as I don’t want to, I have to make another market run today. I knew it would happen. It doesn’t matter how much I prepare, there will always be a few things that someone forgot to mention.
I made my last minute Walmart run yesterday for things to last through the Christmas weekend. It really was not bad in the late afternoon, 4 or so. A little crowded but people were polite and pleasant, the spirit of the season seemed in force. I do love Texas.
I survived my run to Trader Joe’s. It was the most packed I’ve ever seen this particular store, but everyone was polite and accommodating. Teh Younger went with me and after the first couple of minutes, decided that it would be easiest if he just got in line and I ran around filling up the cart. I wouldn’t normally go this close to Christmas, but Christmas dinner has morphed from a small dinner at my MIL’s to eleven people at our place.
Ho ho ho…Merry Christmas Eve Eve, GN!
Hope you didn’t shell-out too much money for that yolk-y thread pic, Mac.
Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!
As much as I don’t want to, I have to make another market run today. I knew it would happen. It doesn’t matter how much I prepare, there will always be a few things that someone forgot to mention.
I made my last minute Walmart run yesterday for things to last through the Christmas weekend. It really was not bad in the late afternoon, 4 or so. A little crowded but people were polite and pleasant, the spirit of the season seemed in force. I do love Texas.
Hope your journey is as pleasant, Paddy.
Hai, Paddy and Mac --
Just had to make a Kroger run for a single, solitary onion (as it wasn’t worth the additional drive to -- and horror of -- Walmart).
And I didn’t have to be ugly to anyone.
Hai, Cali!
Also “heh” to you and Paddy.
Just came across this video with some great editing…plus, I like the “old skool” funk vibe of the Mark Ronson tune:
I survived my run to Trader Joe’s. It was the most packed I’ve ever seen this particular store, but everyone was polite and accommodating. Teh Younger went with me and after the first couple of minutes, decided that it would be easiest if he just got in line and I ran around filling up the cart. I wouldn’t normally go this close to Christmas, but Christmas dinner has morphed from a small dinner at my MIL’s to eleven people at our place.
Yer a Good Gerbil, Paddy.
If anyone’s in the area and needs a place to go for Christmas dinner, just let me know -- we’ll make it work.
Drive-by! Waves! Happy Winter!