Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Cali and Fatwa!
Cali -- I hope your finally getting some relief from teh HellColdFlu. Sometimes the nuclear option is the best.
Funny thing about last night’s SOTU address; Ear Leader didn’t say a thing about the two U.S. Navy patrol boats and 10 sailors that were captured by the Iranians.
I’m on day 20 of HellColdSinusinfection! Ok, I admit I didn’t cough as much gunk this morning, but my voice is still sounding weird, I’m breaking out is sweats several times a night and my cheekbones still ache. Will this thing ever go away???
Hump Day howdies, GN!
Didn’t notice that in teh sidebar until this morning; heh. Although I’m not terribly grateful…guess I’m an unmindful churl.
Sven --
Thanks for your summary of last night’s STFU address; +10 “pithy points”.
Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Cali and Fatwa!
Cali -- I hope your finally getting some relief from teh HellColdFlu. Sometimes the nuclear option is the best.
Funny thing about last night’s SOTU address; Ear Leader didn’t say a thing about the two U.S. Navy patrol boats and 10 sailors that were captured by the Iranians.
I’m on day 20 of HellColdSinusinfection! Ok, I admit I didn’t cough as much gunk this morning, but my voice is still sounding weird, I’m breaking out is sweats several times a night and my cheekbones still ache. Will this thing ever go away???
That’s teh suckage! If you’ve run a course of antibiotics and it isn’t getting better, check with your doctor about changing antibiotics.
Hai, Cali and Paddy!
Cali --
Glad you’re feeling somewhat better; hope that trend accelerates so you can get back in teh water.
Paddy --
Perhaps the reason POSOTUS didn’t mention the Iranian incident was he didn’t wish to, ah, become obviously aroused during his last STFU message.
John effin Kerry thanks the Iranians for returning our captured sailors. Fails to mention forced apology from captured sailor.
Ambassador Stevens was unavailable for comment.