I LOL’d at that. While drinking coffee; well-played, Sven.
Been so busy the past couple of days, I just became aware earlier this morning of the Ted Nugent FB imbroglio re Jews and gun control. Really dumb move, Ted…not to mention putting the NRA in an awkward position.
OTOH, he’s created an opportunity to go back over his catalog and re-record some of his classics. And because I’m a giver, I’d like to suggest to the “Motor City Meshugana” the following reworked song titles:
“Kike Scratch Fever”, “Bang Bang Beat Joos, Gang”, “Hebrew National Dog Eat Vienna Beef Dog”…”Stormtroopin'” doesn’t even need a title change.
I was talking to a young guy at work who says he’s supporting Bernie Sanders cuz he’s looking for “fresh blood” and new ideas from a president. I asked him how much fresh blood do you think a 74 year old white is going to have.
Not sure if you guys read Mike Vanderboegh at Sipsey Street Irregulars--it’s a militia-gun-antigovt-III Percenter blog--but Mike has had health problems the last few years and recently was given about 6 months to live.
He’s been fighting the good fight for a number of years, and he’s hated by all right people so you know he’s doing something right. Along with David Codrea, he was one of the guys that really got the Fast and Furious debacle into the public eye.
It’s gratifying to see how his friends have pulled together to help him out.
Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa and Sven!
Sven -- I haven’t heard anything back from the interview. It was for a candidate pool for possible openings, so even if they loved me, I may never hear from them.
So, a guy named Mohammed uses a machete to attack customers at a Mediterranean deli in a midwestern town (Columbus, OH) owned by an Israeli Christian. Reports indicate six people taken to hospital; one -- possibly two -- in critical condition.
Local armed, unionized goons: “…“there’s nothing to lead us to believe this is anything more than a random attack.”
I’m getting perilously close to becoming an advocate of torching whatever mosques scumbags like this attended. I know that’s not right, but I’m fucking well sick of this carp…just as I am of government employees downplaying the, shall we say, “probable cause”.
Update: Turns out the goblin “has a Somali background”.
It’s quite the mystery, isn’t it? Jews. Mohammad. Knife. I mean, what could be a possible motive?
9 years ago
Greetings, all!
So today we are supposed to close on selling TMP.
But that would be too easy.
Instead we are signing an extension of the contract to close NEXT Friday. Nothing wrong on our side. Her bank is dragging it’s feet because she has to clear up something (credit card) on her side. And this is the bank that was “go, go, go” on the loan. Now, I know this is not an unusual occurance. BW had a similar thing when she bought Teh Rabbit Hutch. But it was discovered long before closing & taken care of early. So , we cannot do it on Monday because banks are closed for that fake ” MultiPresidents” holiday. The new tentative date is Tuesday. Who wants to bet they jack around again until next Friday?
Fatwa, I like Papa Arbuckle’s Coat of Arms. It needs to be a t-shirt. And the other stained glass designs? Arbuckle Industries just might Make America Great Again.
Oh well, I’m off to the mini Farmers’ Market store. Maybe I’ll have a hamburger & a nap like that woman in the thread pic.
I’m sorry you’re still getting jerked around in re TMP. Yes, the credit card issue should have been discovered a long time ago. Yes, I think it will take until next Friday to close.
Mini Farmers’ Market? Is that where you buy mini-vegetables?
Bummer about the delay in closing on TMP; here’s hoping that by this time next week, it’s no longer an albatross hanging around your -- and BW’s -- neck(s).
I heard Trump threatened to sue Cruz over his citizenship if he doesnt straighten up and play nice. What a softball for Cruz if he wants it: where have we seen Dems use the power of govt and the legal system to go after people for what they say? Thinking Joe the Plumber here and the IRS. How much easier could it be to tie Trump to the powerful in America going after the little guy?
I just got an offer for employment as a “roving substitute” for the online school I interviewed with. I start on Feb. 26th and will be teaching Special Ed (wtf?). The pay sucks, but it’s enough to keep us in the black. It will also fill in a blank in my resume.
I LOL’d at that. While drinking coffee; well-played, Sven.
Been so busy the past couple of days, I just became aware earlier this morning of the Ted Nugent FB imbroglio re Jews and gun control. Really dumb move, Ted…not to mention putting the NRA in an awkward position.
OTOH, he’s created an opportunity to go back over his catalog and re-record some of his classics. And because I’m a giver, I’d like to suggest to the “Motor City Meshugana” the following reworked song titles:
“Kike Scratch Fever”, “Bang Bang Beat Joos, Gang”, “Hebrew National Dog Eat Vienna Beef Dog”…”Stormtroopin'” doesn’t even need a title change.
Hi Fatwa.
Love the thread pic--a very nice “heh” to start the day.
Yeah, Nugent stepped in it.
Hai, Sven!
Hope you have a subjectively short day at The Bestest Place Evar.
You and me both, Fatwa.
I was talking to a young guy at work who says he’s supporting Bernie Sanders cuz he’s looking for “fresh blood” and new ideas from a president. I asked him how much fresh blood do you think a 74 year old white is going to have.
Not sure if you guys read Mike Vanderboegh at Sipsey Street Irregulars--it’s a militia-gun-antigovt-III Percenter blog--but Mike has had health problems the last few years and recently was given about 6 months to live.
He’s been fighting the good fight for a number of years, and he’s hated by all right people so you know he’s doing something right. Along with David Codrea, he was one of the guys that really got the Fast and Furious debacle into the public eye.
It’s gratifying to see how his friends have pulled together to help him out.
Another possible location for teh Gerbilee: Florida, April 2!
OK, it’s time for work. At. Teh. Bestest. Place. Ever.
The place keeps growing--it opened 18 new retail stores last month, which spreads the bestest to even more peoples!
“Fresh blood” from Bernie??!? Har!
That’s lousy news about Mike Vanderboegh. Never read him regularly but do recall his efforts re F&F.
Florida? Are you daft, man? That’s the Australia of the U.S.
Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa and Sven!
Sven -- I haven’t heard anything back from the interview. It was for a candidate pool for possible openings, so even if they loved me, I may never hear from them.
I’m hoping something comes of it, Paddy.
Hai, Paddy!
So, a guy named Mohammed uses a machete to attack customers at a Mediterranean deli in a midwestern town (Columbus, OH) owned by an Israeli Christian. Reports indicate six people taken to hospital; one -- possibly two -- in critical condition.
Local armed, unionized goons: “…“there’s nothing to lead us to believe this is anything more than a random attack.”
At least Mo’s an ex-whatever he was, IYKWIMAITTYD. (Probably a Quaker.)
I’m getting perilously close to becoming an advocate of torching whatever mosques scumbags like this attended. I know that’s not right, but I’m fucking well sick of this carp…just as I am of government employees downplaying the, shall we say, “probable cause”.
Update: Turns out the goblin “has a Somali background”.
Well, at least he didn’t use a gun. That would be bad…for gun owners.
It’s quite the mystery, isn’t it? Jews. Mohammad. Knife. I mean, what could be a possible motive?
Greetings, all!
So today we are supposed to close on selling TMP.
But that would be too easy.
Instead we are signing an extension of the contract to close NEXT Friday. Nothing wrong on our side. Her bank is dragging it’s feet because she has to clear up something (credit card) on her side. And this is the bank that was “go, go, go” on the loan. Now, I know this is not an unusual occurance. BW had a similar thing when she bought Teh Rabbit Hutch. But it was discovered long before closing & taken care of early. So , we cannot do it on Monday because banks are closed for that fake ” MultiPresidents” holiday. The new tentative date is Tuesday. Who wants to bet they jack around again until next Friday?
Fatwa, I like Papa Arbuckle’s Coat of Arms. It needs to be a t-shirt. And the other stained glass designs? Arbuckle Industries just might Make America Great Again.
Oh well, I’m off to the mini Farmers’ Market store. Maybe I’ll have a hamburger & a nap like that woman in the thread pic.
See ya later
Frustrating, Rabbit, but you guys hang in there; the end is in sight.
Hai, RabBiT!
I’m sorry you’re still getting jerked around in re TMP. Yes, the credit card issue should have been discovered a long time ago. Yes, I think it will take until next Friday to close.
Mini Farmers’ Market? Is that where you buy mini-vegetables?

Hai, RabBeet!
Hope you found some fresh mini-farmers:
Delicious with new potatoes and asparagus.
Bummer about the delay in closing on TMP; here’s hoping that by this time next week, it’s no longer an albatross hanging around your -- and BW’s -- neck(s).
I heard Trump threatened to sue Cruz over his citizenship if he doesnt straighten up and play nice. What a softball for Cruz if he wants it: where have we seen Dems use the power of govt and the legal system to go after people for what they say? Thinking Joe the Plumber here and the IRS. How much easier could it be to tie Trump to the powerful in America going after the little guy?
The 2016 election cycle is such a circus, this guy’s going to have a very busy year:
Maybe he should start a franchise operation.
While I was not walking behind elephants, I did push one of those behind a horse-drawn calliope in the day parade at Disneyland.
I just got an offer for employment as a “roving substitute” for the online school I interviewed with. I start on Feb. 26th and will be teaching Special Ed (wtf?). The pay sucks, but it’s enough to keep us in the black. It will also fill in a blank in my resume.
--“…Special Ed “—
Your experience here on Teh Wheel would seem useful.
Good on you, Paddy. The black is a good place to be. Congratulations!
OK, I finally had time to watch the Insult Dog video. Pretty darn funny. Not as funny as CAPTIONING NIGHT used to be, but darn close.
Did you have anyone in particular in mind, Mac?
Boo Kitty is a mean one.