Given how offended I am on a daily basis, perhaps I ought to open up a branch myself. (After all, I’m a member of a minority…and even considered “non-white” by some.)
Well, at least according to the State of California (and at least a few others), the answer must be “yes”. The law states that a person is whatever gender they identify with. A trans male does not have to be in the process of transitioning, or even dressing as a male in order to demand to be treated as a male (public restrooms, locker rooms, high school sports, gender pronouns, etc.).
Oh Carp! I just read that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away. Republicans are going to have to grow a pair and Bork Obama’s nominees or we are royally screwed.
So Obama calls Hillary, asks her to suspend her campaign, and he’ll nominate her to the Supreme Court and Uncle Joe will jump in to take her place.
I don’t know that the Republicans have enough spine to block a replacement, nor do I think they should come out and say they won’t consider whoever Obama nominates. He is POTUS and this is one of his actual jobs. Politically, this is a yuge minefield.
Since Mac has gotten Caturday started with a bang:
Paddy --
Congratters! Being in the black is a shift in the right direction and I hope even moar good fortune comes your way.
Black shifts matter!
Hai, Sven!
Dunno about black shifts, but given this week’s big physics news confirming gravity waves, black holes matter.
Especially to the Los Angeles NAACP; remember this drooling, gibbering idiocy?
The Church of the Perpetually Offended is on the job, Fatwa.
Given how offended I am on a daily basis, perhaps I ought to open up a branch myself. (After all, I’m a member of a minority…and even considered “non-white” by some.)
This man makes a modestly compelling case:
Sadly, Fatwa, I think you are offended for all the wrong reasons in today’s American cultural environment.
To paraphrase Reagan, “I didn’t abandon American values; American values abandoned me.”
Yes, they have “evolved” beyond all resemblance. Now it’s all about free this and free that laced with a healthy dose of official unaccountably.
Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa and Sven!
Speaking of excessive foolishness in re social and political nonsense, here’s your quiz for the morning:
Can males become pregnant? (support your answer)
Hai, Paddy!
In-part would depend upon the definition of “male”; I suppose a trans-man who still has working ovaries and a uterus could.
(Frankly, it also wouldn’t surprise me to learn the definition of “pregnant” has been changed without anyone having the courtesy to inform me.)
Well, at least according to the State of California (and at least a few others), the answer must be “yes”. The law states that a person is whatever gender they identify with. A trans male does not have to be in the process of transitioning, or even dressing as a male in order to demand to be treated as a male (public restrooms, locker rooms, high school sports, gender pronouns, etc.).
It’ll be interesting to see what happens as a result of the first related lawsuits or criminal charges.
Prediction: They’ll simply double down on demented. (It’s who they are; it’s what they do.)
Once again the Golden State leads the way…probably to that special place in hell that’s reserved for idiots like us.
Oh Carp! I just read that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away. Republicans are going to have to grow a pair and Bork Obama’s nominees or we are royally screwed.
God, that’s like just about the worst news possible.
Of all the recent Supreme Court Justices, he was the only that I liked and respected.
So Obama calls Hillary, asks her to suspend her campaign, and he’ll nominate her to the Supreme Court and Uncle Joe will jump in to take her place.
I don’t know that the Republicans have enough spine to block a replacement, nor do I think they should come out and say they won’t consider whoever Obama nominates. He is POTUS and this is one of his actual jobs. Politically, this is a yuge minefield.
Just got home from a family get-together and read about Scalia (who, IMHO, was one of the better of the Nine Nazgûl).
My recommendation to the Senate Republicans: