Appreciated your thoughts re the AutoMag. From what you said about the history of the gun, coupled with their typo-laden website, I’m dubious about their engineering and manufacturing leading to a successful product.
9 years ago
Presciption Pussycat O grabbin’!
9 years ago
Tarnation, Fatwa!
You snuck in while I was slow O grabbin’!
In Anaheim, if a bunch of white thugs viciously assaulted members of the New Black Panthers or the Nation of Islam as they were getting out of their vehicles for a protest march, the media would be showing the videos 24/7 and we would be treated to another national conversation on race and tolerance.
So, SUPER TUESDAY is upon us. I expect much hyperventilating and hand wringing tonight.
In terms of Trump, I get it. As a response to a GOP that hasn’t held firm to their stated principles, that has treated Tea Party and Conservative members as insignificant trash, why not send in the clowns?
But Trump is either a knife to gut the GOP or he’s the guy that is going to make America great again--he can’t be both.
Happy Super Tuesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, Fatwa, and Sven!
In re Trump: I’m going with knife. The guy is an arse-hat and a clown, but he demonstrates how fed-up at least a portion of the population is with the status quo in American politics. I really hope that Cruz can rack up some big wins, because the alternatives are Trump or yet another Establishment place-holder.
This is pretty crazy: a “steampunk” guitar effects unit driven solely by a tea light which powers some solar cells, opto-electronics and a Stirling engine. (A little steep at $6K but a neat bit of kit for the proverbial “musician who has everything”.)
WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI Director James Comey likened impenetrable digital encryption to a “vicious guard dog” Tuesday, as a high-stakes fight between privacy and national security moved from the courts to Congress.
“There’s already a door on that iPhone. We’re asking Apple to take the vicious guard dog away and let us pick the lock,” Comey said before the House Judiciary Committee.
STFU, Comey. In a constitutional republic, your job’s not supposed to be easy.
And what are you doing about all of the innocent people your incompetent and/or venal FBI hair analysis “technicians” helped to convict for nearly thirty years? At least the ones who weren’t murdered by the state or who died in prison.
Hi all y’all!
I’m truly sorry I haven’t been around much, but it’s been SUCH a month.
Aside from my company changing their security protocol with the VPN and I can no longer access anything on the Internets without firing up another computer. No gmail, no Wheel, no nada.
And after 8 1/2 hours, it’s hard to get caught up when I’ve got three dogs demanding my attention.
And ‘den! I had a sinus infection so virulent it took two rounds of antibiotics to handle and I had one bad day where I was seriously debating calling EMS. The air pressure had hit a magic equalization and I. could. not. breathe. And my ears were so plugged I could barely hear.
So what began with anxiety over it at around 11am, went to panic about 4pm, and then ramped into sheer terror by 6pm. I ended up at my neighbor’s house (retired nurse) fully spastic and she managed somehow to talk me down.
But Jeebus.
And then this past Sunday we went to a little fundraiser at a local church and I managed to pick up the stomach flu.
But I can breathe now.
And now we’ve got Super Tuesday:
In re Trump: I’m going with knife. The guy is an arse-hat and a clown, but he demonstrates how fed-up at least a portion of the population is with the status quo in American politics
This is the point that no one pundit has figured out yet. Sheryl Attkinson made a slight allusion to it the other day (that maybe the pundit should be listening to the public), but NONE of the talking heads have admitted that the game has changed (calling YOU out Karl Rove, useless PoS) and they don’t know what’s going on.
I’d give money (and a scintilla of respect) to see just one stand up and say, “WTF! I don’t know! We’ve never seen anything like this before!”
Personally, I think we’re looking out over Hadrian’s Wall while Rome crumbles behind us.
And speaking of which, I gotta go play my part in it and convene the precinct convention (as well as vote). I’ll go to the County Convention, but I sure as shit ain’t going to State this year.
Woof. Sorry about the rant.
On the good news side, the bathroom remodel is DONE. Even better, my crafting nook now has a legit stereo system in it that plays sweet, resonant, deep sound through lovely Boze speakers AND actually get more than one radio station.
I rule (for hiding the receiver under the guest bed during one of our “purge” moments several years ago)! You just don’t give away good components.
:: sigh ::
And now off to do my duties. *SMISH* to all y’all and know that I pray for y’all nightly.
Top o’ teh mornin’, GN!
Mac and Paddy --
Appreciated your thoughts re the AutoMag. From what you said about the history of the gun, coupled with their typo-laden website, I’m dubious about their engineering and manufacturing leading to a successful product.
Presciption Pussycat O grabbin’!
Tarnation, Fatwa!
You snuck in while I was slow O grabbin’!
And I still spelled prescription wrong!
See ya later!
Hai / bye, RabBeet!
Hope things are settling down at Teh Hutch.
Is that not the most precious thread pic of all time?
Hi Rabbit and Fatwa!
In Anaheim, if a bunch of white thugs viciously assaulted members of the New Black Panthers or the Nation of Islam as they were getting out of their vehicles for a protest march, the media would be showing the videos 24/7 and we would be treated to another national conversation on race and tolerance.
So, SUPER TUESDAY is upon us. I expect much hyperventilating and hand wringing tonight.
In terms of Trump, I get it. As a response to a GOP that hasn’t held firm to their stated principles, that has treated Tea Party and Conservative members as insignificant trash, why not send in the clowns?
But Trump is either a knife to gut the GOP or he’s the guy that is going to make America great again--he can’t be both.
Happy Super Tuesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, Fatwa, and Sven!
In re Trump: I’m going with knife. The guy is an arse-hat and a clown, but he demonstrates how fed-up at least a portion of the population is with the status quo in American politics. I really hope that Cruz can rack up some big wins, because the alternatives are Trump or yet another Establishment place-holder.
This is pretty crazy: a “steampunk” guitar effects unit driven solely by a tea light which powers some solar cells, opto-electronics and a Stirling engine. (A little steep at $6K but a neat bit of kit for the proverbial “musician who has everything”.)
Very cool!
FBI: Phone encryption a ‘vicious guard dog’ in crime probes:
STFU, Comey. In a constitutional republic, your job’s not supposed to be easy.
And what are you doing about all of the innocent people your incompetent and/or venal FBI hair analysis “technicians” helped to convict for nearly thirty years? At least the ones who weren’t murdered by the state or who died in prison.
Hi all y’all!
I’m truly sorry I haven’t been around much, but it’s been SUCH a month.
Aside from my company changing their security protocol with the VPN and I can no longer access anything on the Internets without firing up another computer. No gmail, no Wheel, no nada.
And after 8 1/2 hours, it’s hard to get caught up when I’ve got three dogs demanding my attention.
And ‘den! I had a sinus infection so virulent it took two rounds of antibiotics to handle and I had one bad day where I was seriously debating calling EMS. The air pressure had hit a magic equalization and I. could. not. breathe. And my ears were so plugged I could barely hear.
So what began with anxiety over it at around 11am, went to panic about 4pm, and then ramped into sheer terror by 6pm. I ended up at my neighbor’s house (retired nurse) fully spastic and she managed somehow to talk me down.
But Jeebus.
And then this past Sunday we went to a little fundraiser at a local church and I managed to pick up the stomach flu.
But I can breathe now.
And now we’ve got Super Tuesday:
This is the point that no one pundit has figured out yet. Sheryl Attkinson made a slight allusion to it the other day (that maybe the pundit should be listening to the public), but NONE of the talking heads have admitted that the game has changed (calling YOU out Karl Rove, useless PoS) and they don’t know what’s going on.
I’d give money (and a scintilla of respect) to see just one stand up and say, “WTF! I don’t know! We’ve never seen anything like this before!”
Personally, I think we’re looking out over Hadrian’s Wall while Rome crumbles behind us.
And speaking of which, I gotta go play my part in it and convene the precinct convention (as well as vote). I’ll go to the County Convention, but I sure as shit ain’t going to State this year.
Woof. Sorry about the rant.
On the good news side, the bathroom remodel is DONE. Even better, my crafting nook now has a legit stereo system in it that plays sweet, resonant, deep sound through lovely Boze speakers AND actually get more than one radio station.
I rule (for hiding the receiver under the guest bed during one of our “purge” moments several years ago)! You just don’t give away good components.
:: sigh ::
And now off to do my duties.
*SMISH* to all y’all and know that I pray for y’all nightly.
Feel better, X, and good to “see” you.
And thank you Texas and Oklahoma! Cruz ain’t dead yet.