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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I LOL’d at today’s thread pic.

Cookies containing raisins are just plain wrong.

Flaming ants…
Flaming spiders…

What’s wrong with teh ghey insects and arachnids?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Just read about the bombings in Brussels; Jeebus.

8 years ago

So are raisins the black beans of cookies?
I laughed because I was just eating some raisin oatmeal cookies yesterday. Walmart has a store brand of raisin bran called “Extra Raisin”. I tried it and it is pretty good!
I like raisins!

Oh, I left my manners in Brenda’s dyer!
Mornin’ greetin’s!

So I turned on the TV & I see “28 dead, 130 wounded”. But no locations. I flipped all over the place looking & all they would talk about was the story. By the pictures, I finally realized that it wasn’t here (USA). But they never said or printed the location. Finally-it seemed like a long time someone said Brussels. Teh “news” is so worthless these days.

Yesterday, BW & I were at the bank dealing with yet another problem caused by Worthless Grandson. We have kept the joint bank account of TM & BW open while we deal with the last of the bills/refunds. No problem, they don’t have access, right? BW got an email alert of activity on the account & checked it. WG charged $80 worth of games for his play station! WE thought it was on the credit card, so we called them. (I had just paid the entire bill off not too long ago). But it wasn’t. it was on the debit card.
What happened in the past was that he used the debit card to set up the account for himself. When he got out of hand with it, the only solution was to end that bank account & get a new one. TM didn’t want to do that. So we forgot about it. Now I guess he decided to try I see if it worked. So he bought a game & it went through & the next day he bought a bunch more.
So we reported the fraud & they are crediting us back the $80. We are both furious, but once again-what can we do? I want to prosecute him. BW won’t. She did tell the bank that this has happened before & that it is a family member & gave his first name, but that is as far as she will go. The money means nothing, we got that back. But the hurt of WG “stealing from a dead woman” (BW’s words) is beyond the pale. BW doesn’t want to be the one labeled as putting WG in prison. I told her don’t worry, he will do something on his own that will put him back in jail. There is no way he can serve out his probation for 7 years. Heck, he didn’t even make it a few months from the sentencing before he had to go in for three months
We haven’t heard a peep out of any of them since they got their estate checks, and don’t really expect any calls.

That’s about it from me.
See ya later

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, RabBeet!

Cheers for checkin’ in.

FWIW, I like black beans a lot better than pinto beans; especially refried. 👿

Criminy…WG’s a real piece o’ work.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RaBbiT and Fatwa!

I like raisins! I like raisins in cookies -- especially soft, chewy, oatmeal cookies! Don’t you dare put them in with chocolate chips. That’s just wrong. I like black beans, too, but not in cookies. I never could understand the appeal of those asian “dessert” buns with the bean paste in the middle. That’s like biting into a jelly doughnut and finding it filled with tofu.

RabBiT -- about all you can do is settle TM’s affairs as quickly as possible and close out the account. They’re not gonna change.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

I thought Dilbert was particularly appropriate this morning:

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Heh…them Elbonians sure are peaceful.

IMHO, chocolate chips are much better than raisins in chewy oatmeal cookies. Or just about anything else one might put raisins in.

That’s like biting into a jelly doughnut and finding it filled with tofu.

Agreed; yucccch!

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Raisin H8r!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Yes, I am.

Not big on dried fruits…except sun-dried tomatoes.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Can chocolate chips do this?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Rat turds dancing on my sandwich are just what I’d like to see upon opening my lunchbox.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Ray Charles doesn’t seem to have a problem with them:

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Mr. Charles was visually impaired; he couldn’t see what they really were.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Another ISIS attack--I wonder if John Kerry has already called James Taylor and told him to pack his bags for another overseas trip.

Just Sven
8 years ago

WG sure has out the “worthless” in grandson, Rabbit. Sorry that you and BW have to keep going through this.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Hai, Sven!

As long as John effin’ Kerry is calling on celebrities to ‘soothe the savage breast’, I think he should send Justin Bieber to Iraq to calm the breasts of ISIS. Maybe Cher could join him.