Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa and Sven!
Save some coffee for me, Sven.
Of course the head of the VA should have been fired a long time ago, along with a lot of other department heads, administrators, etc., but between the current administration not giving a rat’s patootie about Vets and the rules that are in place to protect federal ‘workers’, it’s almost an impossibility.
Yeah, it is kind of dismal times around our country.
My mother would have turned 100 years old today were she still living. She did make it to 93 though. I don’t think she ever weighed more than 100 pounds her whole life, but she was a tough old bird in many ways.
G’day, Wheelizens!
Sven --
Sorry The Bestest Place Evar keeps earning its sarcastic nickname.
“‘Goofy’ Bush Administration Slams VA As ‘Mickey Mouse’ Operation”
Good morning, GN!
Coffee. Need.
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa and Sven!
Save some coffee for me, Sven.
Of course the head of the VA should have been fired a long time ago, along with a lot of other department heads, administrators, etc., but between the current administration not giving a rat’s patootie about Vets and the rules that are in place to protect federal ‘workers’, it’s almost an impossibility.
Hai, Sven and Paddy!
Plenty of scumbags from other agencies and institutions, too.
[*Burn The F*cking System To The Ground.]
Which is getting to be less and less “performance art” every passing week.
Yeah, it is kind of dismal times around our country.
My mother would have turned 100 years old today were she still living. She did make it to 93 though. I don’t think she ever weighed more than 100 pounds her whole life, but she was a tough old bird in many ways.
Here’s to Mrs. Sven’s mom and the son she raised!
Why thank you, Paddy.