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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Independence Day, Wheelizens!

I am so very glad that we present-day Americans don’t have to contend with a history of repeated injuries, usurpations, abuses and/or absolute Despotism by our rulers.


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Marketing opportunity for next Independence Day: Guy Fawkes Brand™ Fireworks. 👿


Bitter sarcasm and heat-of-a-thousand-suns rage aside, I hope that all of you have a lovely day.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Good morning and Happy 4th!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Sven!

Are you flying your Gadsden flag today? 😉

Kindly give our regards to Mrs. Sven.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Hi Fatwa,

Yes, the Gadsden is still flying--a bit ragged, but still there.

Mrs Sven and I have been discussing options regarding the slew of upcoming gun laws that will make us criminals if we don’t comply. Not quite sure what to do there.

On another note, you often hear about the schism between Second Amendment proponents and hunters--that hunters arent much interested in anti-gun/gun control laws because they rarely impact them directly. Well, this bullet background check-registry is going to hit them as well.

Best to Miss Brenda and her google eyes.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Just Sven
8 years ago

SDMF indeed.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Just Sven
8 years ago

Just Sven
8 years ago

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Happy Independence Day, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

I haven’t checked the text of all of the anti-2nd Amendment bills signed by Gov. Moonbeam, but I wonder if the background check applies to reloading components? I think the whole background check thing will have much more of an impact on most gun owners than any of the previous restrictions.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Hi Paddy,

I was talking to a friend of mine who says that law (Senate Bill 1235) does not apply to reloading components, so that’s one way around it. For now.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Paddy!

I read earlier this morning that some folks out in CA are in favor of simple defiance of the new laws, much as has recently occurred in NY and NJ.

I certainly support that sort of civil disobedience, but it is also a dead (no pun intended) certainty that eventually some people will go to prison and some will be murdered by the State.

However, in contrast with twenty years ago, the news propaganda no longer has a handful of gatekeepers who can be controlled with relative ease.

I really hate the position our rulers are increasingly putting us in. Doling out their comeuppance will be ugly and innocents will be caught in the middle; I resent our self-appointed betters deeply for that as well.

Just Sven
8 years ago

If these laws go into effect, there will be a lot of noncompliance. But what happens if you are caught? If convicted, even if it’s just a fine, that conviction is now on your record and it might very well mean that you lose all your guns.

If you go the noncompliance route, then you have to go all the way. Recognize that you are now in possession of illegal contraband and behave accordingly. Bury it and never talk about it.

I’m thinking that between now and enactment, it’s time to stock up on ammunition. And that’s going to take money, some of which would have been donated to charitable organizations. And every time from here on out that one of these charities calls, I’m going to tell them exactly why I can no longer afford to donate. In fact, I may sign up for a bunch of charitable orgs, give them the minimum now, and then let them call later asking for more. Perhaps the message will get through.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Thanks Fatwa--I’d forgotten about Popehat. Good stuff.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Thank you, Fatwa. I looked up the make-up of Congress in 1946 -- Democrats had solid majorities in both houses.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Mac!

Recognize that you are now in possession of illegal contraband and behave accordingly. Bury it and never talk about it.

So very sorry to read about your gun-related canoeing mishap, Sven. Such a shame; tsk. 👿

I rather like your idea re charitable organizations; especially if enough CA gun folks join in that they hear the same excuse more than a couple of times.

Paddy --

You can imagine my shock that a Democrat-led Congress would fark-over people of color seventy years ago. Cheers for researching that.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Mac --

Heh for both your 4:42 and 4:46 thoughts.

If those weapons and ammo were “accidentally” lost in the Pacific years ago, they’d be good enhancements for the environment re corals and other aquatic life. And looking for them would disturb the reefs, no?

Just Sven
8 years ago

If you have stuff that is unknown to the state of CA, then it can just be hidden. If it is known, or maybe possibly known, well then you have fewer options.

In terms of canoeing accidents, the risk you run is with this one:

AB 1695 (Bonta): AB 1695 would make it a misdemeanor to report to a local law enforcement agency that a firearm has been lost or stolen, knowing the report to be false and create a 10-year firearm prohibition for someone convicted of this offense.

Just Sven
8 years ago

What’s funny is that liberal types are also in an uproar out here over a vaccination bill that went into effect July 1:

“No longer can parents choose not to vaccinate their children citing a personal belief.”

Your options if you oppose?

“Parents can still get a medical exemption from their doctor. The only other options parents have, if they chose not to vaccinate their children, are to tutor them at home or leave the state.”

Most people that I know that oppose vaccinations are from the left side of the political spectrum. They feel completely betrayed by Gov. Moonbeam.


Just Sven
8 years ago

In California, the Second Amendment has been getting a beating on a regular basis. The old tactics of fighting it out in court just don’t work. Even when we win, there’s no repercussions on those that passed the laws in the first place, and winning takes years. And the way the courts are, you never know what’s going to happen.

There has to be a way to make it painful for those that support gun control now, but without proper and coordinated support, that’s not too feasible. At least that I can see.

I keep thinking that the problem lies in our approach, attacking only when attacked, and focusing only on the Second Amendment. Thinking this through, but Alinsky comes to mind more often than not.

You sign gun control bills; we go after any other legislation or initiatives that you have, doesn’t matter what it is. Law enforcement and govt agencies are always exempt from these types of laws--if you own a gun range, tell them they are no longer welcome. Sorry. Push ammunition manufacturers to no longer accept purchase orders from California.

Just Sven
8 years ago

It is depressing, Mac, but there you go. We are where we are, and all we can do anymore is stay true to our own beliefs and the Founder’s vision.

We’ve talked about getting out of California, and “they” would be more than happy to see us go. Our most productive years are behind us--they’ve sucked their revenue from us in the form of taxes for the last 45 years and they’ll only get another ten or so years from us at reduced rates. And then we’ll be a drain on the system. They want us gone.

I’m thinking more along the lines now of staying here and sucking them dry. Sign up for every single govt assistance program there is whether we need it or not.

When you do take that test, good luck and praying for good results. Hope Elena is doing well.

Just Sven
8 years ago

I’d like the NRA to ask its members to boycott California completely. No more Disneyland; no more Hollywood; no more Sea World.

My thoughts keep coming back to Robert Levy, the guy that organized and bankrolled the Parker-Heller case. Not a gun owner, not a Second Amendment guy. Just someone that believed in individual rights.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Mac -- don’t put off that stress test. Get it done and deal with the results. Don’t make me send RabBiT after you!

Sven -- after that ten or so years of diminished productivity (I’m already experiencing the diminished income and I know it won’t get significantly better), I plan to take all I can from the state teacher’s retirement system. I know of more than one teacher who has retired to another state, allowing them to live high on the hog with their generous pension. Mine will never get to that point, but I plan taking all that I can.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

They feel completely betrayed by Gov. Moonbeam.

Their faith in the former Linda Ronstadt-porking, lifetime public teat-sucker is hilarious. Sooner or later, nearly all politicians will betray their constituents.

In re telling LEOs and other government tools they’re no longer welcome at one’s range, never forget that they’re thin-skinned, have an entitlement mentality, a union, the backing of the government and can generally get away with doing anything they want to you, up to and including assault and murder, with little or no consequence.

“He made a furtive move.”
“He reached for his waistband.”
“I was in fear for my life.”

When they lie in reports and/or perjure themselves -- even when there’s clear proof of that such as video which contradicts their narrative -- they can usually get away with it.

As such, this may not be a good tactic.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Mac --

I’m with Paddy and Sven…get teh stress test, please.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Jury nullification is about the last defense we have against an increasingly tyrannical government these days.

Dangerous to invoke it in many places, as most judges are assholes.

Just Sven
8 years ago

As long as you take that stress test, Mac, you can post as many cats as you want, up to and including those silly LolCats that I despise.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Time to light up teh grill. I gave my Weber kettle charcoal grill to the inlaws and bought a gas grill. Takes some getting used to, but considerably more convenient.

Good night to all, friends Stay safe.