Today’s thread GIF reminds me of pleasant times hanging at the King’s Head Pub in Santa Monica. (Which, due to some of the folks I met there, was an important nexus when I was a newbie in L.A.)
Good morning, GN! How’s life in the bucket of deplorables?
I was listening to Mark Levin come around to casting his vote for Trump and read Glen Reynold’s article regarding the same. The basic argument boils down to Hillary! will be worse for America pretty much no matter how bad Trump tries to be.
I hate to say it, but I’m moving in that direction as well. I don’t believe that Trump will move America in the right direction, but his presidency might just not lock us all up. Maybe.
On the other hand, I know which way California is going so either way, my vote is moot. And it gives me a glimmer of hope that Hillary! is damaged, and damaged enough that dissent against her presidency won’t be frightened off. I think.
What’s up with a mattress store in TEXAS for God’s sake running a Twin Towers 9/11 sale? I’d expect that in San Francisco, but not Texas. Speaking of Texas, my doctor for the last 10 years is packing up and moving his practice there.
Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
I read an argument, recently, that resonated with me. To boil it down to its simplest level, your vote doesn’t matter, so vote your conscience instead of falling into the trap of voting for who you think can win, or who others tell you can win.
Heh. Still waiting. Was supposed to be between 8-1. Called my agent--known her for 35 years. End result is that they are waiving my deductible and coming by in an hour.
I had good luck with Safelite; they filled a really bad star on the Volvo windshield two days before I left L.A. for Cleveland; the repair lasted until I donated the car almost ten years later.
Well I now have a new windshield and at no cost. I guess that compensates for waiting the whole day. But I did miss an NRA meeting this morning where they were going to go over all the new CA gun laws and what they mean.
“Even during our heightened days of civil disobedience and protest, we have only advocated peaceful means, never arming ourselves and retaliating with violence,” said City Councilman John Duran, who is gay.
How is arming and defending yourself “retaliating with violence”?
“Some people say you need a gun to protect yourself from the bad guys. We just fundamentally disagree with that,” said Rick Zbur, executive director of Equality California. “We don’t want to live in a world where you have to be packing heat to live your daily life.”
My favorite quote of the day comes via Brown University:
“By putting menstrual products in women’s, men’s and gender-inclusive bathrooms, Nguyen’s campaign highlights an often ignored fact: Not all people who menstruate are women.”
I wonder what “often-ignored fact” they’ll work on next?
G’day, GN!
Today’s thread GIF reminds me of pleasant times hanging at the King’s Head Pub in Santa Monica. (Which, due to some of the folks I met there, was an important nexus when I was a newbie in L.A.)
Good morning, GN! How’s life in the bucket of deplorables?
I was listening to Mark Levin come around to casting his vote for Trump and read Glen Reynold’s article regarding the same. The basic argument boils down to Hillary! will be worse for America pretty much no matter how bad Trump tries to be.
I hate to say it, but I’m moving in that direction as well. I don’t believe that Trump will move America in the right direction, but his presidency might just not lock us all up. Maybe.
On the other hand, I know which way California is going so either way, my vote is moot. And it gives me a glimmer of hope that Hillary! is damaged, and damaged enough that dissent against her presidency won’t be frightened off. I think.
Either way, America is screwed for the next four years.
What’s up with a mattress store in TEXAS for God’s sake running a Twin Towers 9/11 sale? I’d expect that in San Francisco, but not Texas. Speaking of Texas, my doctor for the last 10 years is packing up and moving his practice there.
Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
I read an argument, recently, that resonated with me. To boil it down to its simplest level, your vote doesn’t matter, so vote your conscience instead of falling into the trap of voting for who you think can win, or who others tell you can win.
Voting your conscience is always the right move.
Waiting around to get my windshield replaced. Boring.
Someone at work disagreed with your political leanings?
Heh. Still waiting. Was supposed to be between 8-1. Called my agent--known her for 35 years. End result is that they are waiving my deductible and coming by in an hour.
Hai, Sven and Paddy!
Nice they’re waiving your deductible; I presume you’re waiting for a mobile auto glass company, yes?
Yeah, SafeLite. Like the Deplorables picture. Good name for a band: Bucket of Deplorables.
I had good luck with Safelite; they filled a really bad star on the Volvo windshield two days before I left L.A. for Cleveland; the repair lasted until I donated the car almost ten years later.
You mean like this?

I’d want that filled, too.
You should talk to Trump about that--I keep hearing that he’s really close with Putin.
“Heh!” to both o’ youse.
Where Hillary’s affinity for baskets comes from:
Well I now have a new windshield and at no cost. I guess that compensates for waiting the whole day. But I did miss an NRA meeting this morning where they were going to go over all the new CA gun laws and what they mean.
Hot Air had this LA Times article linked:
It’s fairly evenhanded, but I love these quotes:
“Even during our heightened days of civil disobedience and protest, we have only advocated peaceful means, never arming ourselves and retaliating with violence,” said City Councilman John Duran, who is gay.
How is arming and defending yourself “retaliating with violence”?
“Some people say you need a gun to protect yourself from the bad guys. We just fundamentally disagree with that,” said Rick Zbur, executive director of Equality California. “We don’t want to live in a world where you have to be packing heat to live your daily life.”
Good luck finding that world.
My favorite quote of the day comes via Brown University:
“By putting menstrual products in women’s, men’s and gender-inclusive bathrooms, Nguyen’s campaign highlights an often ignored fact: Not all people who menstruate are women.”
I wonder what “often-ignored fact” they’ll work on next?