CLEVELAND, Ohio – Cleveland City Council is expected next week to repeal legislation designating a portion of Shaker Boulevard as “Don King Way” and give the honorary name instead to a stretch of Cedar Avenue – where the legendary boxing promoter once stomped a man to death for failing to pay a $600 gambling debt.
The honorary street name initially was bestowed in April upon a quarter-mile section of Shaker Boulevard between East 116th and East 121st streets. The road is home to the Call & Post newspaper, which King saved from bankruptcy and has owned since 1998.
Haven’t read that Ellison essay in years; it’s even better than I remembered it.
I still have paperback collections of the two years worth of TV columns he wrote for the L.A. Free Press back in the sixties. (“The Glass Teat” and “The Other Glass Teat”.)
In one column wherein he reviewed several new network shows, one of said reviews read in toto as closely as I can recall it:
Tick tock tick tock..exactly 15 days until I’ll be basking in Baja’s glorious Sea of Cortez.
Ima gonna catch fish..Ima gonna cook fish, Ima gonna swim with da fishes, Ima gonna wake up early to see the sunrise.
Happy Vaguely Menacing Thread GIF Thursday, Wheelizens!
(Nice one, Mac. My insufficiently-caffeinated brain first had trouble parsing it, then got frightened.)
(Link) Good move, Cleveland City Council!
More civic nuttiness at the link.
‘Repent, Harlequin!’ Said the Ticktockman
And since you now got me thinking about Harlan Ellison, his great essay about the three most important things in life:
“Now you gotta understand: I’m a quiet, well-mannered, Jewish kid from Ohio. “
Hai, Sven and Paddy!
Haven’t read that Ellison essay in years; it’s even better than I remembered it.
I still have paperback collections of the two years worth of TV columns he wrote for the L.A. Free Press back in the sixties. (“The Glass Teat” and “The Other Glass Teat”.)
In one column wherein he reviewed several new network shows, one of said reviews read in toto as closely as I can recall it:
Tick tock tick tock..exactly 15 days until I’ll be basking in Baja’s glorious Sea of Cortez.
Ima gonna catch fish..Ima gonna cook fish, Ima gonna swim with da fishes, Ima gonna wake up early to see the sunrise.
Hey, Cali!
Are you heading back to Bahia de Los Angeles? I have lots of good memories of that place from the late 70’s.
Yep! Best fishing I ever had in my LIFE was last year in October and it was just as good in June. Im hoping to do it again!
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation! (It is Thursday, isn’t it?)
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Why is the clock running counter-clockwise? That’s counter-revolutionary. Does that mean it’s really saying “tock-tick-tock-tick”?
A widdershins clock? Maybe in honor of Hillary?