“I’ve edged toward the conclusion that the best possible outcome (short of an overwhelming write-in v*te for either Sweet Meteor O’ Death or None of the Above), is — God forgive me — a Hillary Clinton victory along with a Republican sweep of the House and Senate.”
I’d be more inclined to concur with Wolfe had we not seen how little the GOP Congress stood-up to Obama and the Dems. (With a few exceptions who have consistently bucked POTUS, liberals and their own party in favor of the COTUS…and been reviled by most everybody in DC.)
AFAIC, we have had no “opposition party” for many years…unless you count opposing those of the citizenry who wish to reign-in the FedGov and live under some semblance of actual rule of law.
Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Why am I so happy this morning? Because it’s not yesterday. Yesterday, instead of getting done some of the things I needed to get done, I got to help out a lot of other people with the work they needed to get done. I also got to listen to people whinge, moan, complain, and rail about work (rightfully so), the internship program (rightfully so), and promises broken (rightfully so).
Today will be a better day.
At one time I had hope for the Tea Party, but they were no match for the GOPe and mainstream media. We now see Trump suffering the same fate.
She is blowing up the comments section..I hope they arrest her and get her off my freeways. Regardless, I am now on the lookout for a silver Nissan Versa. Scary to think I may be sharing the road with this psycho bitch.
I took the day yesterday off to help my older mermaid friend get some packing done for her move to her new 1.3 million dollar beach house. I realized shortly after arriving that she is a collector of all things fragile, bordering on hoarding. Now, she isnt a dirty hoarder. Everything was very clean and her hoarding consists of very expensive trinkets, crystal, ceramics, plates, ramekins, fine art, some from very famous artists, statuary and vases that probably cost more than my house. She had fallen the day before moving stuff and scraped up her knees pretty bad..poor mermaid was distraught and tearful. I came in and saved the day with a 10lb box of packing paper and wrapped every single trinket so it would make the 10 block journey safely. It was a very long day.
I just got an email from the California Teachers Association with their voter guide. I don’t know how I would ever know how to vote without their help.
Top o’ teh mornin’, GN!
Jerry --
Cheers for the depressingly accurate Long National Nightmare countdown twofer; I feel like I’m living in the prologue to a dystopian SF novel.
Good morning and happy Wednesday! Hi Fatwa!
Once again, I side with Claire Wolfe:
“I’ve edged toward the conclusion that the best possible outcome (short of an overwhelming write-in v*te for either Sweet Meteor O’ Death or None of the Above), is — God forgive me — a Hillary Clinton victory along with a Republican sweep of the House and Senate.”
Hai, Sven!
I’d be more inclined to concur with Wolfe had we not seen how little the GOP Congress stood-up to Obama and the Dems. (With a few exceptions who have consistently bucked POTUS, liberals and their own party in favor of the COTUS…and been reviled by most everybody in DC.)
AFAIC, we have had no “opposition party” for many years…unless you count opposing those of the citizenry who wish to reign-in the FedGov and live under some semblance of actual rule of law.
Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Why am I so happy this morning? Because it’s not yesterday. Yesterday, instead of getting done some of the things I needed to get done, I got to help out a lot of other people with the work they needed to get done. I also got to listen to people whinge, moan, complain, and rail about work (rightfully so), the internship program (rightfully so), and promises broken (rightfully so).
Today will be a better day.
At one time I had hope for the Tea Party, but they were no match for the GOPe and mainstream media. We now see Trump suffering the same fate.
G’mar Hatima Tova
Hai, Paddy!
Glad you’re having a better day…and cheers.
(Although the concept of anything being sealed in a book changed a bit for me after playing Myst more than 20 years ago.)
For Sven and TeX -- Some metal tunes without distortion:
That’s some good stuff.
Hide yo kids, hide yo wives..Deb be road-ragin’ in San Diego! She literally tried to run down a motorcycle!! It’s only a matter of time until she kills somebody. She isn’t just a pesky little internet troll. This woman is VERY DANGEROUS!
She is blowing up the comments section..I hope they arrest her and get her off my freeways. Regardless, I am now on the lookout for a silver Nissan Versa. Scary to think I may be sharing the road with this psycho bitch.
I took the day yesterday off to help my older mermaid friend get some packing done for her move to her new 1.3 million dollar beach house. I realized shortly after arriving that she is a collector of all things fragile, bordering on hoarding. Now, she isnt a dirty hoarder. Everything was very clean and her hoarding consists of very expensive trinkets, crystal, ceramics, plates, ramekins, fine art, some from very famous artists, statuary and vases that probably cost more than my house. She had fallen the day before moving stuff and scraped up her knees pretty bad..poor mermaid was distraught and tearful. I came in and saved the day with a 10lb box of packing paper and wrapped every single trinket so it would make the 10 block journey safely. It was a very long day.
I just got an email from the California Teachers Association with their voter guide. I don’t know how I would ever know how to vote without their help.
It’s like teh olden days with SWMNBN. Thanks, Cali!
My musical counter: