Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven, and Fatwa!
Mrs. Paddy and I saw Fences last night. A very good movie -- the acting was excellent, all around. The cinematography was reminiscent of old movies, where the characters drive the story, not action.
Lot’s of chores to do today, plus it’s the first game of Spring Training.
Been in a Southern Rock mood lately. Hard to believe that it’s 40 years ago this year that the Lynyrd Skynyrd plane went down. A good tune from the short-lived Rossington Collins band--good harmonies:
Ha. Fatwa is worn out.
Hai, Sven and GN!
Sven is correct; I need a vacation. Like managing a roofing job in L.A. 👿
But since I’m so wicked, no rest for me.
Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven, and Fatwa!
Mrs. Paddy and I saw Fences last night. A very good movie -- the acting was excellent, all around. The cinematography was reminiscent of old movies, where the characters drive the story, not action.
Lot’s of chores to do today, plus it’s the first game of Spring Training.
Hi, Paddy.
Havent heard of Fences--we’ll have to check it out.
Been in a Southern Rock mood lately. Hard to believe that it’s 40 years ago this year that the Lynyrd Skynyrd plane went down. A good tune from the short-lived Rossington Collins band--good harmonies:
Another round in the “if this was a Democrat” game:
RAW VIDEO: California State Sen. Janet Nguyen Removed From Senate Floor
The CA Legislature could benefit from a low-yield dose of man-made sunshine while they’re in session, IYKWIMAITTYD.
-- Justice Louis D. Brandeis
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