Well another day in the books. I was unable to generate much interest in my little problems at teh bestest place ever, but I did get another chance to make my case next week -- like I really give a rat’s patootie anymore.
But, I’ll give it my best shot when it comes around again and then I can rest peacefully know, sniff, that I tried. Sniff.
Happy Wednesday, Wheelizens!
Eyes. Bleach. Please.
When I see something like this, it makes me wonder why some object to female genital mutilation.
And is that kitten teh cutest thing ever? Yes.
Good morning, GN! And good morning, Fatwa!
My horse is saddled; my lance is ready; and I’m off to the windmill. Have a great day, GN!
Good luck, Sir.
Hai, Sven and Mac!
Sven --
May today bring some sort of victory.
Mac --
Hope you and Elena are both well.
Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, Sir Svens-a-lot, and Mac!
Sven -- good luck today.
Fatwa -- what door do you choose if you identify as a normal person?
Hai, Paddy!
I cannot provide a meaningful answer because I don’t self-identify as “normal”.
I mean, I’m normal for me and for a member of my nuclear family, but I don’t think we were very normal by mid-to-late 20th Century American standards.
We had waaaaay to much wrongfun.
Well another day in the books. I was unable to generate much interest in my little problems at teh bestest place ever, but I did get another chance to make my case next week -- like I really give a rat’s patootie anymore.
But, I’ll give it my best shot when it comes around again and then I can rest peacefully know, sniff, that I tried. Sniff.
Sven --
Cheers for checking-in; maybe, just maybe you’ll get some traction next week. I salute you for trying to do a good job at TBPE.