Here’s a pic of Teh Younger as he recessed from the graduation ceremonies. He and another search-and-rescue team member upheld the tradition of wearing their PFD’s (personal flotation device) over their robes.
That style of PFD is designed for minimal interference with movement and is for emergency use only. It inflates using a CO2 cartridge, like the life vests on airlines. They were given permission to inflate their PFD’s after the ceremony -- something no one on the team had ever done before.
Happy Long Weekend Friday, GN!
Yumpin’ yiminy…that’s a hell of a thread GIF, Mac; high winds?
Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!
Here’s a pic of Teh Younger as he recessed from the graduation ceremonies. He and another search-and-rescue team member upheld the tradition of wearing their PFD’s (personal flotation device) over their robes.
That style of PFD is designed for minimal interference with movement and is for emergency use only. It inflates using a CO2 cartridge, like the life vests on airlines. They were given permission to inflate their PFD’s after the ceremony -- something no one on the team had ever done before.
“Video is unavailable”
Congratulations to you both. Good job, proud Papa!!
See if that works.
Heya, Paddy and Mac!
Paddy --
Very nice that Teh Younger was able to add a new flourish to the search-and-rescue team’s graduation tradition.
Congratulations, Paddy, to you and your son. Good job!