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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Big cats are evil…and really fast with a squeegee.

Sunday greetin’s, GN!

Paddy --

Yer a good lad fer helping your friend’s wife clean-up her computer; hope the theft is limited to that $250.

AFAIC, just about all of the folks who claim various forms of “gender fluidity” are simply attention whores who ought to be mocked soundly for their silly, concocted claims as well as their dumb hair colors / styles (“Look at meeeeeee!!!”) and wardrobes (“Look at me some more, you dreary, uptight normies!!1!”).

Additionally, they ought to be told to cram their special snowflake pronouns into their choice of orfices(s) into which the sun don’t shine…and then ignored ever after.

Just Sven
7 years ago

Hi, Fatwa. Good morning, GN! Happy Sunday, all.

Was reading about Raiders QB Derek Carr’s new contract making him the highest paid player in the NFL: $125 million over five years. It’s structured better than I had thought it would be, so not all guaranteed money, but incentives and performance bonuses in the mix.

And Carr’s plans for all that money?

CARR on where some of this money might go: “Chick-Fil-A.” Smiles.

“The exciting for me money-wise honestly is this money’s going to help a lot of people. I’m very thankful to have it, that it’s in our hands, because it’s going to help people not only in this country but in a lot of countries around the world. That’s what’s exciting for me.”

Not your typical football player.

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

Sven -- you’re right, Derek Carr is definitely not your typical football player. Let’s hope he gets lots of positive press.

Just Sven
7 years ago

One can hope, Paddy, then again there was Tim Tebow…

Just Sven
7 years ago

Kind of related to Paddy’s story about his friends getting scammed online. Last year, my brother and his best friend were fishing up in the CA Sierra’s. No cell phone coverage by the lake, but they went into town later and checked for messages and found a bunch from my brother’s friend’s wife. She’d gotten hooked into a scam where she had been told that their daughter in Colorado had been kidnapped, she couldn’t get in touch with her or any of her family, and was busy going from bank to bank moving money to pay ransom.

She wasn’t a stupid woman, but they had just gone through an emotionally trying time with their grandson -- serious medical issues soon after birth -- and the criminals in this case made it all sound pretty real.

Sadly, this type of scam seems to be pretty common.

Just Sven
7 years ago

It’s hot out. 100 degrees here. I’ve washed my truck, washed Mrs Sven’s jeep, mopped the floors, checked the mouse traps, watered, done a load of laundry, and done the grocery shopping. I’m getting too old for this weekend carp.