I’ve never seen that before -- and I always thought Folger’s was OK! There’s a place where we go for breakfast and one of their old tin signs is for “Arbuckle Coffee.”
Happy Labor Day, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Mac!
Let’s all give a rousing Bronx cheer to labor unions everywhere!
The weather report last night said there was a 15% chance of rain at the Hollywood Bowl -- no worries. We took our seats, spread out our repast, and poured the wine. Ten minutes later, the skies opened up. We quickly covered up our food and sat there while it rained heavily for about 15 minutes, then stopped. 15% chance = 15 minutes. Who knew? Other than the brief deluge, we had a great time. The first half was David Newman -- one of the top composers and conductors of film scores and son of Alfred Newman, a legend in the industry -- discussing the history of scoring for film and conducting the LA Philharmonic, accompanied by relevant film clips. The second half was John Williams conducting quite a number of his works. Kobe Bryant made a guest appearance to narrate a short animated film based on a bit of prose he wrote, Dear Basketball, which was also scored by Williams. A very fun evening.
Good morning, GN!
Glad to see that “Folger’s in your cup” was not part of Mac’s thread pic list; gaaaaaaaah!
Your wish is my…
Aw, Mac -- you shouldn’t have…
No, really.
My wife is a pernicious, corrosive influence sometimes.
I’ve never seen that before -- and I always thought Folger’s was OK! There’s a place where we go for breakfast and one of their old tin signs is for “Arbuckle Coffee.”
I believe it came here from our beautiful but dangerous Brenda.
Happy Labor Day, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Mac!
Let’s all give a rousing Bronx cheer to labor unions everywhere!
The weather report last night said there was a 15% chance of rain at the Hollywood Bowl -- no worries. We took our seats, spread out our repast, and poured the wine. Ten minutes later, the skies opened up. We quickly covered up our food and sat there while it rained heavily for about 15 minutes, then stopped. 15% chance = 15 minutes. Who knew? Other than the brief deluge, we had a great time. The first half was David Newman -- one of the top composers and conductors of film scores and son of Alfred Newman, a legend in the industry -- discussing the history of scoring for film and conducting the LA Philharmonic, accompanied by relevant film clips. The second half was John Williams conducting quite a number of his works. Kobe Bryant made a guest appearance to narrate a short animated film based on a bit of prose he wrote, Dear Basketball, which was also scored by Williams. A very fun evening.
Definitely not a boring night -- glad it all worked out and that the show was good.