“The FCC said in a notice it was removing ‘outmoded regulations’ on telegraphs effective in November.” And none too soon: “The last Western Union telegram in the United States was sent in 2006” and the “last major telegram service worldwide ended in India in 2013.”
Next on the agenda…deregulation of steam-powered horseless carriages; w00t!
While I’m glad that the govt apologized and settled with various Tea Party groups over the IRS targeting, what good are financial payouts? It’s not even their money, so it doesn’t hurt them at all. Someone needs to go to jail.
Nah…decorating a lamppost or Esso station is far more, erm, taxpayer friendly.
If that rat-bastard Gerald Ford hadn’t pardoned Nixon, we’d have some iconic Time Magazine and Getty Images photos of “Tricky” behind bars. Which might, in turn, have provided a little deterrent to many other malfeasant public employees.
I have zero faith that “the system” will do anything other than protect its own. YouTube videos of crows pecking out the dead eyes of folks like Koskinen, Comey, Lerner, etc. after they’ve danced the Danny Deever is more to my liking. Those scumbags are at war with the American people and, well, they’re war criminals AFAIC.
Fatwa — you can be sure that the EPA will come up with new regulations for that Stanley Steamer of yours.
Happy Friday, GN!
What a cute thread GIF, Mac; yay!
And here’s some news which is cause for celebration:
Next on the agenda…deregulation of steam-powered horseless carriages; w00t!
Teh wheels of govt sure do grind slowly, eh?
Happy Friday, GN!
While I’m glad that the govt apologized and settled with various Tea Party groups over the IRS targeting, what good are financial payouts? It’s not even their money, so it doesn’t hurt them at all. Someone needs to go to jail.
I won’t hold my breath…
Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Sven -- that’s the problem with government payouts for malfeasance -- the victims are paid with their own money and the perpetrators feel no pain.
Fatwa -- you can be sure that the EPA will come up with new regulations for that Stanley Steamer of yours.
Nah…decorating a lamppost or Esso station is far more, erm, taxpayer friendly.
If that rat-bastard Gerald Ford hadn’t pardoned Nixon, we’d have some iconic Time Magazine and Getty Images photos of “Tricky” behind bars. Which might, in turn, have provided a little deterrent to many other malfeasant public employees.
I have zero faith that “the system” will do anything other than protect its own. YouTube videos of crows pecking out the dead eyes of folks like Koskinen, Comey, Lerner, etc. after they’ve danced the Danny Deever is more to my liking. Those scumbags are at war with the American people and, well, they’re war criminals AFAIC.
At least you didn’t say “Cleveland Steamer”.
NSFW for language and nudity, but this scene always makes me laugh. Not sure why I thought of it today…