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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Caturday, GN!

The new Star Wars movie looks disappointing:

Just Sven
7 years ago

Hi, Fatwa, and good morning/happy Saturday, GN!

So we are getting “tax reform.” Wow. Yeah. Whoo hoo. Color me underwhelmed.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Sven!

The Congressional GOP have been spendthrifts just about every bit as much as the Dems for decades. Neither party has advanced liberty or prosperity in any significant manner for many, many years.


On the lighter side: “While an employee slept, SC man made himself at home at Waffle House” (with cheerfully drunken selfies):


Just Sven
7 years ago

I’ve never been to a Waffle House.

Just Sven
7 years ago

Lots of chores today. Yeah, me.

Mrs Sven is stuck on a work problem. She uses a large Excel spreadsheet for forecasting, but for some unknown reason, the workbook grew from like like 2MB to 60MB. We were playing with it last night and even after deleting all content and clearing all formatting, it’s still like 55MB. Lot of google hits as to why, but it’s going to take her some hours of troubleshooting to figure it out or she bites the bullet and recreates it from scratch.

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

There’s a lot of “stuff” that stays in an Excel workbook, even after you delete the contents -- including revision history and metadata. Microsoft relies more on increases in computer speed, power, and storage space than it does on compact coding.

Just Sven
7 years ago

Hi, Paddy.

Mrs Sven shouldn’t be using a spreadsheet for this type of collaboration and calculations, but there you go. The company spent $25M to install an ERP system and how do they do their forecasting? With Excel.

I’m not an Excel guy, so the google is my friend. She or we will figure it out this weekend. I hope. If I understood correctly, everything was working fine until yesterday after some guy in a foreign land saved the file. Then it blew up in size to where it’s unworkable. You’d think there’d be some type of tool that could analyze a file easily for issues like this, but nope.

On my end, got one door repaired. One down; ten or so more to go!

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

You’ve probably already tried this, but here it is anyway -- related to shared spreadsheets:

Just Sven
7 years ago

Thanks, Paddy -- yeah, that was no help.

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

Lot’s going on today. I know I won’t get everything done, but I need to get a good start on a bunch of things.

The front page article in today’s paper about Michael Flynn is from the NYT, so you already know how that reads. I skimmed through the first page of it and saw absolutely no mention of the fact the this single charge proves what a big nothing-burger the whole investigation has been, that if there was any “there” there, that Flynn would have pled to a conspiracy charge.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Paddy!

Hope you get more done today -- with less fuss -- than you expect.

Sven --

I think Waffle House is pretty awesome; I understand why it’s such a regional institution. No frills food (and generally decent, friendly service) at ridiculously low prices 24/7/365.

And they’ve got quite a disaster preparedness team (including portable generators) for when hurricanes, floods, etc. hit. WH does a really good job of feeding affected locals and recovery workers in stricken areas.

Good luck sorting-out Mrs. Sven’s Excel issues!

As re the tax jiggery-pokey (can you even say that any more?), it’s meaningless until the Congress cuts actual spending with a chainsaw. Or guillotine. 👿

D.C. needs a good dose of man-made vitrification.

Just Sven
7 years ago

The Sacramento Bee has a “helpful” article up today: How the Kate Steinle case became an immigration flashpoint

Yes, please it explain it to us rubes because it’s a mystery why anyone could get upset over a Mexican that had been deported 5 times, arrested and convicted of numerous crimes in our country, was allowed to remain in our country to kill an American citizen.

I am curious about the pistol though. By all accounts, Zarate (or the gun with a mind of its own) only fired one shot. How many rounds were left in the magazine? Had more rounds been fired elsewhere? What else was taken from the BLM agent’s car? Has anything been recovered? Suspects? Was the agent disciplined? Charged with a crime?

Who breaks into a car, steals a pistol and then just leaves it near a pier?

Just Sven
7 years ago

On the Excel mystery front, it appears to be an external link issue. The google pointed me there.:
1. Rename the file to.zip
2. Open the zip file-folder and review for large sizes
All of the workbook XML files were reasonably sized, but the one holding external links was huge. What that means, I don’t know, but I deleted that file, saved, renamed back to .xlsx and the file size was reasonable without much data loss.

It points Mrs Sven in the right direction…I think.