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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’day, Wheelizens!

Nothing says Valentine’s Day like a kitteh hate crime thread GIF. 😉

So, I’ve seen that some SJWs think white folks should stay away from the opening weekend of “Black Panther” because us honkie / cracka / ofay / white devil / Mr. Charlie- or Miz Anne-Americans are “colonizers”.

You’d think they’d be pleased that a film about a black African superhero with an overwhelmingly black cast and crew is generating so much positive street buzz, enthusiasm and excitement.

But you’d be dead-ass wrong.

Well, I have a dream. I have a dream that someday, MLK and Malcolm will rise up from their graves and beeyotch-smite every last race-baiting SJW type in America.


Just Sven
7 years ago

Good morning, happy Valentine’s Day, and a blessed Ash Wednesday to all as well.

Sad for the orange kitty.

Just Sven
7 years ago

Hi Fatwa,

Apparently, identity politics has to raise its ugly head again -- had no desire to see another super hero/comic book movie in the first place, but if the powers that be really don’t want me to see it cuz I’m white, OK -- I’ll keep my money in my wallet.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Hai, Sven!

You mean you’re not going to spend your own money to support a “black” film?


Just Sven
7 years ago

Hmmmm. Well, I don’t want to be racist, or be called a racist, so maybe I should rethink my decision? Naw. I’m good.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

As if I needed one, here’s another good reason to avoid Salon’s website:


Paddy O'Furnijur
7 years ago

Happy Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

Fatwa -- a black kitteh attacking a white kitteh can’t be a hate crime, because the white kitteh has all the institutional power. I thought you’d know this by know! Back to the re-education camps for you! Now make me a batch of those arbeit macht fries!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Thanks for correcting my wrongthink; I’m dropping your order of freis right now.

Just Sven
7 years ago

Sad news out of Florida -- I won’t watch the news coverage, but I imagine someone has already said I have blood on my hands being an NRA member and all.