CorporateToolK’s commute should be easier today due to the lack of school buses. (In one of our earliest conversations, she opined that the speed limit in school zones ought to be unlimited because “those kids are supposed to be in school“.)
In local news, “Investigators: Video shows men force-feeding goat cocaine, whiskey”.
I’m old enough to remember separate Washington’s and Lincoln’s Birthday “holidays”; Presidents’ Day never resonated with me; meh.
Why is anyone up at this hour?
In my case, it’s ’cause LambiePieK gets up at zero-dark-thirty so I get up around that time, too…solidarity! (And also to make a sammich for her to take to work; that’s just how I roll.)
Plus, I usually have roofing-related stuff to do, errands and whatnot. (Until we win a ginormous lottery jackpot and can hire minions to attend to us.)
Since the FBI and likely the local police as well screwed up in the case of the Florida shooter, there’s lots of buzz about legislation along the lines of California’s Gun Violence Restraining Order law where family members or the police can have the state pull your guns for 21 days if they think you are a danger to yourself or others. California will now likely expand the family members/police part of that law to include damn near anyone you have ever had contact with.
Has it been effective? Stopped shootings and all that? Hard to say. The law went into effect in 2016, and in 2016 in a state of over 30 million people, 86 restraining orders were issued. Ten were later extended from 21 days to a full year by judges.
Did these folks get their guns back? Don’t know -- hard to find data. Did they incur legal expenses? Don’t know. Did any of them later commit a crime with their firearm? Yep -- don’t know that either.
But everybody felt good about passing another law. Yeah us.
*Thunk!* Ow!
Happy Monday, Wheelizens!
CorporateToolK’s commute should be easier today due to the lack of school buses. (In one of our earliest conversations, she opined that the speed limit in school zones ought to be unlimited because “those kids are supposed to be in school“.)
In local news, “Investigators: Video shows men force-feeding goat cocaine, whiskey”.
Would somebody please think of the kids!?!?
I see what you did there, Fatwa. I approve.
Ya, happy President’s Day gentle Gerbils. Sorry, I suck at holidays.
And good morning! I suck at manners too, it seems.
Why is anyone up at this hour? I suck at mornings too!!!!!!
Hai, Sven and Mac!
I’m old enough to remember separate Washington’s and Lincoln’s Birthday “holidays”; Presidents’ Day never resonated with me; meh.
In my case, it’s ’cause LambiePieK gets up at zero-dark-thirty so I get up around that time, too…solidarity! (And also to make a sammich for her to take to work; that’s just how I roll.)
Plus, I usually have roofing-related stuff to do, errands and whatnot. (Until we win a ginormous lottery jackpot and can hire minions to attend to us.)
Happy Don’t keep your head down or you’ll run into a tree Monday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, Sven, and Mac!
The economy must be doing really well if people can afford whisky and blow for their goats.
President’s Day -- where we celebrate Presidents! Or maybe it’s the birth of presidents? All presidents? Some presidents? That guy on the $100 bill?
Hi Paddy, Mac, and Fatwa!
Since the FBI and likely the local police as well screwed up in the case of the Florida shooter, there’s lots of buzz about legislation along the lines of California’s Gun Violence Restraining Order law where family members or the police can have the state pull your guns for 21 days if they think you are a danger to yourself or others. California will now likely expand the family members/police part of that law to include damn near anyone you have ever had contact with.
Has it been effective? Stopped shootings and all that? Hard to say. The law went into effect in 2016, and in 2016 in a state of over 30 million people, 86 restraining orders were issued. Ten were later extended from 21 days to a full year by judges.
Did these folks get their guns back? Don’t know -- hard to find data. Did they incur legal expenses? Don’t know. Did any of them later commit a crime with their firearm? Yep -- don’t know that either.
But everybody felt good about passing another law. Yeah us.