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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Humpy Hap Day, Wheelizens.

Thanks for the carpy thread GIF, Mac. 😉

And cheers to Paddy for being the ongoing stalwart of the M.O., too.

Today will be another fabulous day of keeping clients informed ahead of the rain expected tomorrow and juggling repairs, on top of the “usual duties”.

Had an issue with my phone Monday (of course); several calls went right to voicemail without ringing. Which wasn’t exactly convenient, particularly due to teh weather this week. Called our provider, got a really good tech support person and wound-up doing a factory reset which seems to have solved that issue.

(Which is very nice as I actually like this nearly four-year-old phone; it’s been very reliable. The day I got it was the same day as a visit to Teh Mountain Redoubt; the first call made after it finished syncing was to LambiePieK, who got put on speaker for a chat with Sven and Mrs. Sven.)


Just Sven
7 years ago

I remember that phone call, Fatwa. During the conversation, I learned that if you are poor and live in the South, don’t bother contacting the SPLC for legal advice.

Just Sven
7 years ago

Good morning, GN!

No rain in the forecast, so it’s a dry hump day for us.

Just Sven
7 years ago

I see that Dick’s Sporting Goods is blaming the gun and will no longer sell “assault weapons” or any firearm to anyone under 21. Good luck with that.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Sven!

SackO’SugarK’s problem re the SPLC is that she didn’t belong to any of the “right” oppressed groups. (Even being a ginger…)

…a dry hump day…


You ought to be seeing about 0.75″ of rain starting late tomorrow afternoon, assuming the weather-guessers are right. One of the places we’re scrambling to do some emergency repairs is that place on E.L.A. I pointed-out on our way to P.C.’s last time I saw you and teh missus. (Where we have a large project pending; hope they commence phase one later this year.)

Dick’s has certainly lived-up to its name with their cowardly, boneheaded move. Oh well, IMHO they’re overpriced on guns to begin with.

Unless the GA Senate relents, Delta just hosed themselves out of the renewal of a nice tax break on fuel by taking sides re the NRA.

Also don’t think the “boycotts” against FedEx and Amazon Prime will have the desired effect.

Lastly, I’ve finally reached the point where I think David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez ought to be throat-punched. Along with their parents and the politico-media tools who are using them.

They persist in pretending that Hogg and Gonzalez are kids…probably because “Do it for the children!” has better emotional resonance than “Do it for the teenagers!”. 👿

Just Sven
7 years ago

Hope you make it out again this year, Fatwa. Be good to see you.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Recently, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library -- which gives books to kids all over the world -- gave its 100 millionth book.

That’s pretty damned awesome.

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 years ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

Let me see if I’ve got this right: “kids” shouldn’t be allowed to buy a firearm until they’re 21, but we should consider lowering the voting age to 16?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Paddy!

I believe you’ve got that right.

Because “evul anthropomorphic guns” and “wisdom of children” or some such balderdash.

Given how much longer it seems to take kids to actually “grow-up” today compared with 40+ years ago, perhaps the age of majority needs to be raised back to 21 for voting, booze, contracts, etc.

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 years ago

The cat is now out of the bag -- the “grassroots” March for Our Lives is being funded, advised, and given logistical and other support by Everytown, Giffords, MoveOn, Planned Parenthood, Women’s March LA, and others.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

No…ah caint hardly believe that!!1!

Because those young people seem so terribly, terribly earnest. And wise despite being callow; so real, so down-to-earth, so authentic.

Paddy O'Furnijur
7 years ago

And for the past two weeks the media has been assuring us that these kids are oh so media savvy because they grew up with social media.

Despite the fact that they had to go through the PR firms representing these kids to get their interviews.

Journalism. I don’t think that word means what they think it means.

Just Sven
7 years ago

I see that our POTUS has jumped the shark on the Second Amendment. Can’t say I’m surprised (disappointed, but not shocked), but listening to some of the right-leaning pundits today expound on due process is almost amusing as I can’t recall the last time I heard them rant about “due process” and asset forfeiture.

Just Sven
7 years ago

I wonder how the left will respond to Trump tossing due process out the window?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

I wonder if Trump’s just baiting the liberals by saying that. (Yeah, I know he’s not really a Repub, but I hope he’s merely giving the Dems a lot of rope to hang themselves with for the mid-terms.)

Just Sven
7 years ago

I wonder. The true Trump believers think that’s the case. Me, I don’t think he’s that smart.It will make for interesting theater.