The Left has found a formula and characters that work.
True to a point. OTOH, in my dank little corner of Twitter, the pushback is hard. Well beyond “don’t give an inch” and into “repeal the NFA, the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the Firearms Owners Protection act”. (Not that I expect any of that to happen, but a feller can dream…)
Too bad most of our Congress doesn’t truly support the 2A.
Just learned this morning that someone’s trying to primary our scumbag Congressman Rob Woodall on May 22nd; I must learn more about the challenger Shane Hazel. Former Marine who wants to eliminate the VA, Department of Education and the IRS, which is a good start, IMHO.
Good Friday salutations Wheelizens!
True to a point. OTOH, in my dank little corner of Twitter, the pushback is hard. Well beyond “don’t give an inch” and into “repeal the NFA, the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the Firearms Owners Protection act”. (Not that I expect any of that to happen, but a feller can dream…)
Too bad most of our Congress doesn’t truly support the 2A.
Just learned this morning that someone’s trying to primary our scumbag Congressman Rob Woodall on May 22nd; I must learn more about the challenger Shane Hazel. Former Marine who wants to eliminate the VA, Department of Education and the IRS, which is a good start, IMHO.
A blessed Good Friday, and a Happy Passover, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
That’s it. I got nuthin’ -- except contempt for a whole lot of people who are systematically trying to destroy our nation.
Hai, Sven and Paddy!
I haz it, too.