Jooooos and guns. A rather angry but sensible post.
Dunno about “angry”; I found the tone quite appropriate. (Bonus points for the dig at FDR fans; glad I didn’t have a mouthful of coffee when I read that.)
I’m in a bit of a work funk and called in sick today. It’s been a frustrating several years at teh bestest place ever and although I’m thankful to be working, I’m not a happy camper. In all likelihood, I’ll be out of the workforce in 5-7 years and I dread ending that part of my life with a “Thank God that’s over” attitude.
If I can’t make this work, and history is telling me that I won’t be able to, I should be looking for a new job every single day, and yet I’m not. Regardless of my years of experience, no one is beating down the doors to hire an old white guy without a college degree.
I am taking classes and pushing myself to keep current in my profession, but even with that, I’m not optimistic about finding something that pays what I make now.
I completely understand, Sven. As a friend and I have discussed for several years now, companies aren’t looking to hire expensive (both salary and medical) employees.
My friend just got hired back by the company that laid him (and all the older engineers) off several years ago. The keep hiring “fresh outs” -- people fresh out of college -- but after they get a year or two of experience, they all leave. Somehow the company hasn’t figured out the problem.
Oh, and while the solution to the problem isn’t rocket science, his job is.
Um, Happy Wormy Puppeh Friday?
Dunno about “angry”; I found the tone quite appropriate. (Bonus points for the dig at FDR fans; glad I didn’t have a mouthful of coffee when I read that.)
Cheers for the link, Sven.
Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!
The plumber’s assistant is here this morning to begin jack-hammering part of the bathroom floor. It should be a loud day.
A dog rubbing its worm-itchy bottom is not good for generating new posts. Just sayin’.
Hi Fatwa and hello Paddy -- good luck with the remodel!
I’m in a bit of a work funk and called in sick today. It’s been a frustrating several years at teh bestest place ever and although I’m thankful to be working, I’m not a happy camper. In all likelihood, I’ll be out of the workforce in 5-7 years and I dread ending that part of my life with a “Thank God that’s over” attitude.
If I can’t make this work, and history is telling me that I won’t be able to, I should be looking for a new job every single day, and yet I’m not. Regardless of my years of experience, no one is beating down the doors to hire an old white guy without a college degree.
I am taking classes and pushing myself to keep current in my profession, but even with that, I’m not optimistic about finding something that pays what I make now.
This getting old thing ain’t easy. Sniff.
I completely understand, Sven. As a friend and I have discussed for several years now, companies aren’t looking to hire expensive (both salary and medical) employees.
My friend just got hired back by the company that laid him (and all the older engineers) off several years ago. The keep hiring “fresh outs” -- people fresh out of college -- but after they get a year or two of experience, they all leave. Somehow the company hasn’t figured out the problem.
Oh, and while the solution to the problem isn’t rocket science, his job is.
Heh. Funny how that works with these youngsters. Always chasing the rainbow as soon as they can, and management wondering why.