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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Sunday greetin’s, Wheelizens!

I saw a short excerpt of some “comic” named Michelle Wolf performing at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner last night. “Cringe-worthy” doesn’t even begin to describe my reaction.

She’s like a female Gilbert Godfrey in terms of delivery but her schtick was -- and this is coming from me -- woefully inappropriate as well as pawthetically juvenile, crude and unfunny.

I heartily commend Sarah Huckabee Sanders for not punching Wolf’s lights out before stabbing her repeatedly in the face with a fork while banging her head into the rostrum.

Trump was absolutely right to skip the event and I think it might be appropriate for the entire White House staff to forego it next year.

The press corp ought to be deeply embarrassed, ashamed and angry…but they’re probably not. Wonder if there’ll be some blowback from any of them.

Paddy O'Furnijur
6 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!

I completely forgot about the WHCD last night. Given the behavior of the press for the last, oh, at least four or five decades, the President was right to skip it. Just imagine the reaction in the press if PDT had stepped up to the podium and roasted them thoroughly -- they would be apoplectic!

Just Sven
6 years ago

Well, they hate anyone that isn’t in lockstep with their beliefs and agenda, so not too surprising. Trump has it right with skipping the event.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hiya, Paddy and Sven!

Just imagine the reaction in the press if PDT had stepped up to the podium and roasted them thoroughly — they would be apoplectic!

Dude…that would be totally awesome to see the lot of ’em collapsed onto the floor or with their faces in their plates. (I abhor them for being such dishonest partisan hacks that I actually have a bit of sympathy for Trump.)

Just Sven
6 years ago

Imagine if some of the barbs were tossed at gays, Muslims, transgendered, or minorities. The hue and cry this morning would be deafening.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Too right, Sven.

Just Sven
6 years ago

I’d like to see a comedian do an updated shtick of George Carlin’s Seven Words You Can’t Say on Television. I imagine the shock and backlash today would be worse than what greeted Carlin 40 years ago.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

That’s actually a cool idea; agree about the backlash in today’s stupid climate.

Just Sven
6 years ago

As a recently returned Catholic, this is disheartening: Pope Francis: Ban All Weapons.


I have no problem with anyone who takes the turn the other cheek doctrine to heart. I have a huge problem with expanding that philosophy to refusing to defend your family and other innocents from violence and that’s where the ban all weapons idea leads.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac

Hai, Mac --

Had much the same reaction as you: “Gonna completely empty out that armory in your basement, then?”
