It’s Kitteh Klown Kar (or Pussycat Pierrot Packaging) Tuesday, Wheelizens!
CorporateToolK is improved this morning, for which I am very grateful. She’ll be working from home today, so I get to continue my role as Nurse Wretched.
I see that Il Douchey’s sanctioniest sanctions that evar sanctioned against Iran were a yuge success; well worth the $1.7B (IIRC) in cash we sent them.
Happy May Day, tovarischi!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Fatwa -- I’m glad Ms. Brenda is feeling a bit better today. Personally, I never found the muscle relaxants and pain meds to be of much use, other than to make me feel weird.
The doc prescribed cyclobenzaprine, which is very effective stuff. (I’ve got some experience due to occasional bouts of fairly debilitating lower back spasms for more than 35 years.)
They do make LambiePieK a teensy bit loopy, which simply causes her to be a tich more amusing than usual.
But the medication, along with the anti-inflammatory, have made a world of difference over the past 24 hours. (And to Hell with all of the people who support policies which have hurt our healthcare system and would further stifle medical / pharmaceutical innovation. Relief from moderate-to-severe pain is a huge goodness.)
It’s Kitteh Klown Kar (or Pussycat Pierrot Packaging) Tuesday, Wheelizens!
CorporateToolK is improved this morning, for which I am very grateful. She’ll be working from home today, so I get to continue my role as Nurse Wretched.
I see that Il Douchey’s sanctioniest sanctions that evar sanctioned against Iran were a yuge success; well worth the $1.7B (IIRC) in cash we sent them.
Ooooh…it’s also May Day / International Worker’s Day; let’s paaaaarrrrrrrty!!1!
Hi Fatwa -- glad to hear that Miss Brenda is improving. Hope that it’s nothing more than tight muscles that a few drugs and rest will take care of.
May Day today; Cinco de Quatro Saturday. The first week of May has so many things to celebrate.
Happy May Day, tovarischi!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Fatwa -- I’m glad Ms. Brenda is feeling a bit better today. Personally, I never found the muscle relaxants and pain meds to be of much use, other than to make me feel weird.
Precedent Obama -- the gift that keeps on giving.
Hiya, Sven and Paddy!
The doc prescribed cyclobenzaprine, which is very effective stuff. (I’ve got some experience due to occasional bouts of fairly debilitating lower back spasms for more than 35 years.)
They do make LambiePieK a teensy bit loopy, which simply causes her to be a tich more amusing than usual.
But the medication, along with the anti-inflammatory, have made a world of difference over the past 24 hours. (And to Hell with all of the people who support policies which have hurt our healthcare system and would further stifle medical / pharmaceutical innovation. Relief from moderate-to-severe pain is a huge goodness.)
Yes, it is.