Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Well, after two false starts with the shower pan hot-mop guys, the plumber called in a different crew and it got done. It’s put us behind at least a couple of days, but what can you do? The company my contractor normally works with was booked solid, so he went with a company the tile setter recommended (although I think that has now changed).
Hope the delightful fragrance of liquid asphalt dissipates rapidly from your house. And that the rest of the work can proceed reasonably swiftly from here on out.
Just got back from the traditional Friday shopping run -- including Walmart. (Upon my arrival there, I noted that the KorpulentKart Korral was completely devoid of scooters. This turned out to have been a bad omen. And then things got worse; I feel a rant coming on…)
TGIF, GN! I sure am glad it’s the end of the work week.
I got nothin’ else; buh.
Here’s hoping everyone is feeling fine and all is going smoothly -- happy Friday, GN!
Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Well, after two false starts with the shower pan hot-mop guys, the plumber called in a different crew and it got done. It’s put us behind at least a couple of days, but what can you do? The company my contractor normally works with was booked solid, so he went with a company the tile setter recommended (although I think that has now changed).
Hai, Paddy!
Hope the delightful fragrance of liquid asphalt dissipates rapidly from your house. And that the rest of the work can proceed reasonably swiftly from here on out.
Just got back from the traditional Friday shopping run -- including Walmart. (Upon my arrival there, I noted that the KorpulentKart Korral was completely devoid of scooters. This turned out to have been a bad omen. And then things got worse; I feel a rant coming on…)
Yep…but a (seeming) maniple of them.