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Just Sven
6 years ago

Good morning and happy Saturday, GN!

Just Sven
6 years ago

Today is another gun control day with a local event not far from us, but I got other things to do and can’t get it up to deal with them folks.

“People around the country are coming together with a simple message: there’s more we can do to end gun violence. Join the movement by signing up to attend an event during Wear Orange Weekend, June 1-3.”

Why “orange” is significant I don’t know.

Paddy O'Furnijur
6 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

Owls -- they see what you did, no matter how much you try to hide.

Another gun control event? Jeebus, these self-important idjits just don’t quit. Tell you what, how about you letting me exercise my “right to choose” how best to protect myself and my family?

Just Sven
6 years ago

Forget Disneyland:

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

That does look pretty cool.

And no annoying Dismal pantheon of characters.

Paddy O'Furnijur
6 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Seriously cool.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

¡Hola, Gerbiliños!

For some reason, they don’t seem to have a lot of “gun control” events ’round here…absent classes at ranges. 👿

I love all the yammerheads who think they can somehow do away with our 2A rights. One of my faves is that -- assuming they can amend the COTUS -- a U.N. resolution could result in the blue helmets coming to confiscate guns from us. (The former military folks in my Twitter timeline pretty much soil themselves with laughter at that prospect.)

I’m sorry the folks who run CA are anti-American scum who are trying to abrogate the natural and constitutionally-guaranteed right to self-defense out there. Sure would like to see a few of them gibbeted by a fully-justified mob.

Just Sven
6 years ago

Well this day kind of sucked. I took a sip of coffee, swallowed, got up from the chair in the living room and started walking to the kitchen. My throat closed up and I couldn’t breathe at all. Pounded on the wall and Mrs Sven came running, but there wasn’t anything she could do except call for the paramedics -- it wasn’t like I was choking on anything. After about 20 seconds I was able to wheeze a little bit and suck down a bit of air and ended up on my knees on the floor. Another 30 seconds and I could get in some ragged breaths. The paramedics got here in about 2 minutes and by that time I was able to inhale and exhale -- not great but good enough.

They checked me out, everything looked fine. Said they didnt think I needed to go to the ER, but should see my normal doctor. This is maybe the third time this has happened to me in 10 years -- not fun at all. Probably time to find an ENT and get some idea as to what’s going on.

So I didn’t get anything done today.

Paddy O'Furnijur
6 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

What Mac said. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.