So welcome to the brave new nation. Low level judges now set national immigration policy and control Whitehouse access and security. I guess there really is no limit on judicial authority, if the Constitution gets in the way just make up new sections or change the meaning of the words to support whatever is desired. I preferred when we voted for people in power but I guess that doesn’t mean much anymore anyway, the Democrats now feel free to openly cheat and steal any election the voters are too stupid and racist to give them.
I am having thoughts I would have considered fringe stuff not that long ago. It was a nice Republic while it lasted.
While I have been pleased with many of the things President Trump has accomplished, I have been dismayed by the appointment of so many establishment/deep state types to positions of power. Those appointees then fail to vigorously implement the President’s vision.
“There are two types of synagogues: those that believe in G-d and those that believe in government.
After the mass shooting in a Pittsburgh synagogue, the government synagogues turned to the government with calls for gun control. And those that believe in G-d, turned to the Almighty.
And then, trusting in the Almighty to stand with them against danger, they went out and got their guns.”
Happy Meme Mashup Friday, Wheelizens. (Another nice one, Mac!)
Glad there’s no Giant Killer Space Rabbit springing from an Enormous Sparkly Space Cornucopia. 🙂
Hi, Fatwa, and happy Friday, GN!
Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Sparkly cornucopia -- just in thyme for Thanksgiving.
Sven -- I hope the fire situation at the Mountain Redoubt has improved.
So welcome to the brave new nation. Low level judges now set national immigration policy and control Whitehouse access and security. I guess there really is no limit on judicial authority, if the Constitution gets in the way just make up new sections or change the meaning of the words to support whatever is desired. I preferred when we voted for people in power but I guess that doesn’t mean much anymore anyway, the Democrats now feel free to openly cheat and steal any election the voters are too stupid and racist to give them.
I am having thoughts I would have considered fringe stuff not that long ago. It was a nice Republic while it lasted.
While I have been pleased with many of the things President Trump has accomplished, I have been dismayed by the appointment of so many establishment/deep state types to positions of power. Those appointees then fail to vigorously implement the President’s vision.
I read this today and it gave me hope.
“There are two types of synagogues: those that believe in G-d and those that believe in government.
After the mass shooting in a Pittsburgh synagogue, the government synagogues turned to the government with calls for gun control. And those that believe in G-d, turned to the Almighty.
And then, trusting in the Almighty to stand with them against danger, they went out and got their guns.”
I like the cut of their jib.